Publications of
Marco Antonio Winckler, Dominique L. Scapin, Florence Pontico, Gaelle Calvary, Audrey Serna
Profiling User Requirements for Multi-Target e-Government Applications: a case study (regular paper)
In : International Workshop on Design & Evaluation of e-Government Applications and Services (DEGAS 2009), Uppsala, Sweden, 24/08/09, Vol. 492, CEUR-WS : Workshop proceedings, pp. 9-16, August 2009.
Gaelle Calvary, Audrey Serna, Joëlle Coutaz, Dominique L. Scapin, Florence Pontico, Marco Antonio Winckler
Envisioning Advanced User Interfaces for e-Government Applications: a Case Study
In : Practical Studies in E-Government: Best Practices from Around the World. S. Assar, I. Boughzala, I. Boydens (Eds.) , Springer, 12, pp. 205-228, ISBN: 978-1-4419-7532-4, February 2011.
Florence Sèdes, Gaelle Calvary, Thierry Delot, Jean-Yves Tigli
Computer Science and Ambient Intelligence, Wiley Interscience Publications, ISBN 9781848214378, December 2012.
Florence Sèdes, Thierry Delot, Gaelle Calvary, Jean-Yves Tigli
Informatique et Intelligence Ambiante : des capteurs aux applications, Hermès Science, Traité Informatique et Systèmes d’Information, July 2012.
Marco Antonio Winckler, Monique Noirhomme-Fraiture, Dominique L. Scapin, Gaelle Calvary, Audrey Serna
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Design & Evaluation of e-Government Applications and Services (DEGAS’09), Uppsala, Sweden, 24/08/09, CEUR-WS : Workshop proceedings, Vol. 492 ISSN 1613-0073, 2009.
Gaelle Calvary, Emmanuel Dubois
Actes des Secondes Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en Interaction Homme-Machine, Lacanau – France, 19/10/04 – 22/10/04, , October 2004.