Publications of
Denis Lalanne, Laurence Nigay, Philippe Palanque, Peter Robinson, J. Vanderdonckt
Fusion Engines for Multimodal Interfaces: a survey (regular paper)
In : International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and Workshop on Machine Learning for Multi-modal Interaction (ICMI-MLMI 2009 2009), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 02/11/09-06/11/09, ACM : Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 111-118, November 2009.
Marc Cardle, Stephen Brooks, Loïc Barthe, Mohamed Hassan, Peter Robinson
Music-Driven motion editing
In : SIGGRAPH Sketches and Applications, San Antonio, Texas, 23/07/02-28/07/02, ACM, pp. 175-182, July 2002.
BibTeXMarc Cardle, Loïc Barthe, Stephen Brooks, Peter Robinson
Music-Driven motion editing: Local motion transformations guided by music analysis
In : Eurographics UK Conference, Leicester, 05/06/02-08/06/02, ?, pp. 38-44, June 2002.