Publications of
Irina Perfilieva, Didier Dubois, Henri Prade, Francesc Esteva, Lluis Godo, Petra Hodáková
Interpolation of fuzzy data: Analytical approach and overview
In : Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Elsevier, Vol. 192, pp. 134-158, 2012.
Didier Dubois, Lluis Godo, Henri Prade, A. Zapico
On the possibilistic decision model: from decision under uncertainty to case-based decision
In : International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, World Scientific Publising Company, Vol. 7 N. 6, pp. 631-670, 1999.
Didier Dubois, Francesc Esteva, Pere Garcia, Lluis Godo, Ramon Lopez de Mantaras, Henri Prade
Fuzzy set modelling in case-based reasoning
In : International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 13, pp. 345-373, April 1998.
Didier Dubois, Francesc Esteva, Pere Garcia, Lluis Godo, Henri Prade
A logical approach to interpolation based on similarity relations
In : Int. J. of Approximate Reasoning, Vol. 17 N. 1, pp. 1-36, 1997.
Didier Dubois, Lluis Godo, Ramon Lopez de Mantaras, Henri Prade
Qualitative reasoning with imprecise probabilities
In : Journal of Intelligent Information Systems (JIIS), Springer, Vol. 2, pp. 319-363, 1993.
Logics for Non-Cooperative Games with Expectations (regular paper)
In : European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2013), Toulouse, 12/12/13-13/12/13, Emiliano Lorini (Eds.), CEUR-WS : Workshop proceedings, pp. 82-96, 2013.
URL : –
BibTeXDidier Dubois, Francesc Esteva, Lluis Godo, Henri Prade
An information-based discussion of vagueness
In : Proc.of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Melbourne-Australia, 02/12/01-05/12/01, FUZZ-IEEE’01 PROGRAM COMMITTEE, December 2001.
Didier Dubois, Lluis Godo, Henri Prade, A. Zapico
Advances in Qualitative Decision Theory: Refined Rankings
In : Proc.of the Int. Joint Conf, 7th Ibero-American Conference on AI and 15th Brazilian Symposium on AI(IBERAMIA-SBIA’00), Atibaia, SP Brazil, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence n. 1952, Berlin, pp. 427-436, November 2000.
Didier Dubois, Lluis Godo, Henri Prade, A. Zapico
Making decision in a qualitative setting: from decision under uncertainty to case-based decision
In : 6th Int. Conf. Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Trento, Italy, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, June 1998.
Didier Dubois, Lluis Godo, Henri Prade, A. Zapico
Possibilistic representation of qualitative utility : an improvedcharacterization
In : Proceedings 7th International Conference on Information Processing and Management ofUncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems (IPMU’98), Paris, Editions EDK, Paris, pp. 180-187, July 1998.
Didier Dubois, Francesc Esteva, Pere Garcia, Lluis Godo, R.L. de Mantaras
Fuzzy modelling of cased-based reasoning and decision
In : Second International Conférence on Cased-Based Reasoning, ICCBR-97, Providence, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 599-610, July 1997.
Didier Dubois, Francesc Esteva, Pere Garcia, Lluis Godo, Henri Prade
Steps to a logic of similarity
In : Proc. of the 6th Inter. Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress (IFSA’95), Sao Paulo, Brasil, .
Didier Dubois, Francesc Esteva, Pere Garcia, Lluis Godo, Henri Prade
Similarity-based consequence relations (regular paper)
In : European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU ), Fribourg, Switzerland, Springer-Verlag, LNAI 946, pp. 171-179, July 1995.
Didier Dubois, Lluis Godo, Ramon Lopez de Mantaras, Henri Prade
A symbolic approach to reasoning with linguistic quantifiers (regular paper)
In : Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 1992), Stanford, CA, 17/07/92-19/07/92, D. Dubois, M.P. Wellman, B. D’Ambrioso, P Smets (Eds.), Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, pp. 74-82, 1992.
Didier Dubois, Francesc Esteva, Lluis Godo, Henri Prade
Fuzzy-set based logics – An history-oriented presentation of their main developments
In : Handbook of The history of logic. Dov M. Gabbay, John Woods (Eds.) , Elsevier, pp. 325-449, Vol. 8, The many valued and nonmonotonic turn in logic, 2007.
Didier Dubois, Henri Prade, Francesc Esteva, Lluis Godo
An information-based discussion of vagueness: six scenarios leading to vagueness (Chapter 40)
In : Handbook of categorization in cognitive science. H. Cohen, C. Lefebvre (Eds.) , Elsevier, pp. 891-909, 2005.
Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier, Didier Dubois, Lluis Godo, Henri Prade
Fuzzy sets and possibility theory in approximate and plausible reasoning
In : Fuzzy Sets in Approximate reasoning and Information Systems. J. Bezdek, D. Dubois, H. Prade (Eds.) , Kluwer, Boston, Mass., pp. 15-190, The Handbooks of Fuzzy Sets, 1999.
Didier Dubois, Francesc Esteva, Pere Garcia, Lluis Godo, Ramon Lopez de Mantaras, Henri Prade
Case-based reasonning:a fuzzy approach
In : Fuzzy Logic in Artificial Intelligence. A. L. Ralescu, J. G. Shanahan (Eds.) , Spinger-Verlag LNAI 1566, pp. 79-90, 1999.