Publications of Nicolas SINGER
Emmanuel Conchon, Nicolas Singer, Jean-Marie Pecatte, Sylvie Trouilhet
Prise en charge des personnes vieillissantes à leur domicile : monitoring et classification
In : Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle (RIA), Hermès Science, Vol. 27, N. 3, pp. 1-26, June 2013.
Nicolas Singer, Sylvie Trouilhet, Ali Rammal
Meta-monitoring using an adaptive agent-based system to support dependent people in place
In : International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems (IJATS), IGI Global, Hershey – USA, Vol. 3 N. 1, pp. 39-51, 2011.
Ali Rammal, Sylvie Trouilhet, Nicolas Singer, Jean-Marie Pecatte
An Adaptive System for Home Monitoring Using a Multiagent Classification of Patterns
In : International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Vol. 2008, (on line), 2008.
Jing Guo, Nicolas Singer, Rémi Bastide
A Serious Game Engine for Interview Simulation: Application to the development of doctor-patient communication
International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications – VS-GAMES 2014, Sep 2014, Malta, Malta. pp. 1-6
Jing Guo, Nicolas Singer, Rémi Bastide
Design of a serious game in training non-clinical skills for professionals in health care area
IEEE International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health – SEGAH 2014, May 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. pp. 1-6
Jing Guo, Nicolas Singer, Rémi Bastide
Un Serious Game pour la mise en évidence des processus communicationnels médecin-patient lors dune consultation médicale (regular paper)
In : Serious Games en Médecine et Santé (SEGAMED 2013), Nice, France, 12/09/13-13/09/13, Universite de Nice Sophia-Antipolis – Faculté de Médecine, (on line), September 2013.
URL : –
BibTeXAli Larab, Emmanuel Conchon, Rémi Bastide, Nicolas Singer
A Sustainable Software Architecture for Home Care Monitoring Applications (regular paper)
In : IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystem Technologies – Complex Environment Engineering, Campione d’Italia, Italy, 18/06/12-20/06/12, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 1-6, June 2012.
BibTeXAli Larab, Emmanuel Conchon, Rémi Bastide, Nicolas Singer
Une plateforme orientée composants pour lautonomie des personnes à leur domicile (regular paper)
In : Ludovia, Ax-les-Thermes, 31/08/11-02/09/11, Culture Numérique, (on line), September 2011.
Abstract URL :
BibTeXSylvie Trouilhet, Ali Rammal, Nicolas Singer, Jean-Marie Pecatte
An Agent-Based System for Meta-Monitoring (regular paper)
In : The International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum for Education, Networking and Business (Med-e-Tel 2010), Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 14/04/10-16/04/10, Vol. 3, The International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTEH), ISSN 1998-5509, pp. 532-536, April 2010.
Nicolas Singer, Sylvie Trouilhet, Ali Rammal, Jean-Marie Pecatte
Distributed Classification: Architecture and Cooperation Protocol in a Multi-Agent System (regular paper)
In : International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2010), Gdynia, Poland, 23/06/10-25/06/10, Vol. LNAI 6070, Springer, pp. 341-350, June 2010.
Ali Rammal, Ali Larab, Sylvie Trouilhet, Jean-Marie Pecatte, Nicolas Singer
Maintien à domicile : gestion dynamique de patrons et méta-surveillance.
In : Journée de maintien à domicile (STP), Saint-Etienne, France., 14/03/08.
Ali Larab, Ali Rammal, Sylvie Trouilhet, Jean-Marie Pecatte, Nicolas Singer
Système de télésurveillance et de maintien à domicile de personnes dépendantes : application au cas dAlzheimer.
In : Journée de maintien à domicile (STP), Saint-Etienne, France, 14/03/08-14/03/08.
Sylvie Trouilhet, Nicolas Singer, Jean-Marie Pecatte, Ali Rammal
E-Health: from individual views to a collective one, a case study of meta-monitoring
In : International Conference of E-Medical Systems (E-MediSys 2008), Sfax, Tunisie, 29/10/08-31/10/08, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, (electronic medium), October 2008.
Ali Larab, Ali Rammal, Sylvie Trouilhet, Jean-Marie Pecatte, Nicolas Singer
Home health care system for dependent people: application to Alzheimer disease
In : International Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS 2007), Saint-Etienne, France, 15/07/07-20/07/07, The Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO), (electronic medium), 2007.
BibTeXAli Rammal, Nicolas Singer, Jean-Marie Pecatte, Sylvie Trouilhet
Un outil de méta-surveillance pour le maintien à domicile
In : Conférence Internationale sur l’accessibilité et les systèmes de suppléance aux personnes en situations de handicaps (ASSISTH 2007), Toulouse, 19/11/07-21/11/07, Nadine Vigouroux, Philippe Gorce, Jean-Luc Nespoulous (Eds.), Cépaduès Editions, pp. 271-277, November 2007.
Nicolas Singer, Jean-Marie Pecatte, Sylvie Trouilhet
Combining Web Services and Multi-Agent Technology to Increase Web Cooperative Capacities
In : International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2007), Mauritius, 13/05/07-19/05/07, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, (electronic medium), May 2007.
Christophe Alcantara, Jean-Thierry Julia, Jean-Marie Pecatte, Nicolas Singer, Sylvie Trouilhet
MAWA, dispositif de navigation sociale
In : Document numérique et Société (DocSoc 2006), Fribourg, Suisse, 20/09/06-21/09/06, ADBS (Association des professionnels de l’information et de la documentation), pp. 109-122, September 2006.
Gwenaël Regnié, Jean-Marie Pecatte, Nicolas Singer, Sylvie Trouilhet
Identification de modèles de navigation Web par analyse de graphes
In : Colloque National de la Recherche Universitaire dans les IUT (CNR-IUT 2006), Brest, 01/06/06-02/06/06, Université de Brest, (electronic medium), June 2006.
Nicolas Singer, Jean-Marie Pecatte, Sylvie Trouilhet
The Multi-agent Cooperative Navigation System Mawa: A Model of Dynamic Knowledge Specialization for a User-centric Analyse of the Web
In : International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce (IAWTIC 2005), Vienna, 28/11/05-30/11/05, Vol. 2, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 289-294, November 2005.
Nicolas Singer, Jean-Marie Pecatte, Sylvie Trouilhet
Répartition par relaxation restreinte des connaissances des agents sur leréseau Internet
In : Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA’05), Calais, France, 23/11/05-25/11/05, Hermès-Lavoisier, November 2005.
Nicolas Singer, Sylvie Trouilhet
Intégrer le comportement de l’utilisateur dans les documents Web
In : Congrès Francophone AFRIF-AFIA Reconnaissance des Formes & Intelligence Artificielle, Toulouse, 28/01/04-30/01/04, AFIA : Association Francaise d’Intelligence Artificielle, pp. 731-738, January 2004.
Abstract URL :
BibTeXJean-Marie Pecatte, Nicolas Singer, Sylvie Trouilhet
MAWA : un outil multi-agent pour la recherche d’informations cooperative
In : Colloque National de la Recherche Universitaire dans les I.U.T., Nice, 06/05/04-07/05/04, ., pp. 97-104, May 2004.
Sylvie Trouilhet, Nicolas Singer
MAWA : système multi-agent pour la navigation collective
In : 3ième congrès du Chapitre Français de l’ISKO “filtrage et résumé automatique de l’infromation sur réseaux”, Nanterre, 05/07/01-06/07/01, ., pp. 69-77, July 2001.
Sylvie Trouilhet, Nicolas Singer
An advanced interface for information access on a large scale system : MAWA for the web
In : 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2001) and 7th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS 2001), Orlando USA, 22/07/01-25/07/01, ., July 2001.
Nicolas Singer, Sylvie Trouilhet, Ali Rammal
Meta-Monitoring Using an Adaptive Agent-Based System to Support Dependent People in Place
In : Theoretical and Practical Frameworks for Agent-Based Systems. Y Zhang (Eds.) , IGI Global, 5, pp. 66-78, 2012.
Nicolas Singer, Sylvie Trouilhet, Ali Rammal, Jean-Marie Pecatte
Collecting and Classifying Large Scale Data to Build an Adaptive and Collective Memory: a Case Study in e-Health for a Pro-active Management
In : Multi-Agent Systems – Modeling, Interactions, Simulations and Case Studies. Faisal Alkhateeb, Eslam Al Maghayreh, Iyad Abu Doush (Eds.) , INTECH, 20, pp. 439-454, 2011.