Publications of
Nelly de Bonnefoy, Yohann Dugua, Samir Torki, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Bernard Ordy
Hybrid indoor/outdoor localization system to improve aeronautical maintenance works (regular paper)
In : IEEE International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN 2012), Sydney (Australia), 13/11/12-15/11/12, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, (on line), November 2012.
Abstract URL :
BibTeXWafaa Abou Moussa, Nelly de Bonnefoy, Emmanuel Dubois, Patrice Torguet, Jean-Pierre Jessel
Virtual reality simulation for prototyping augmented reality
In : International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality (ISUVR 2008), Gwangju, Korea, 10/07/08-13/07/08, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 55-58, July 2008.
Nelly de Bonnefoy, Wafaa Abou Moussa, Jean-Pierre Jessel
Intuitive and adaptive Mixed System to Support Nomadic Maintenance Collaborative Activities
In : International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising (ICE 2007), Antibes, 04/06/07-06/06/07, ESoCE-NET, pp. 311-318, June 2007.
Wafaa Abou Moussa, Nelly de Bonnefoy, Ines Verhaeghe, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Emmanuel Dubois
Model-Driven Multi-user Realistic Prototyping of Mobile Augmented Reality
In : Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC 2007), Laval, Fr, 18/04/07-20/04/07, Laval Virtual, pp. 293-296, April 2007.
Nelly de Bonnefoy, Jean-Pierre Jessel
A Mixed Reality system for design engineering: thinkings, issues and solutions
In : IUI’CADUI’04, MIXER’04 workshop, Funchal (Madeira, Portugal), 13/01/04-16/01/04, ?, January 2004.
Pascale Chevalet, Nelly de Bonnefoy
Les apports de la réalité augmentée nomade pour la maintenance aéronautique
In : Conférence Francophone de MOdélisation et de SIMulation (MOSIM 2003), Toulouse, 23/04/03-25/04/03, LAAS, pp. 11-17, April 2003.
Emmanuel Dubois, Wafaa Abou Moussa, Cédric Bach, Nelly de Bonnefoy
Modelling and Simulation of Mobile Mixed Systems
In : Handbook of Research on User Interface Design and Evaluation for Mobile Technology. J. Lumsden (Eds.) , Idea Group, pp. 220-229, February 2008.
Indira Thouvenin, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Patrick Bourdot, Nelly de Bonnefoy, François Laborie
Chapitre 8 : Industries manufacturières
In : Traite de la réalité virtuelle. Philippe Fuchs (Eds.) , Presses de l’Ecole des Mines de Paris, pp. 32, Vol. 4, 3, 2005.
Système Informationnel Mixte, Ubiquitaire et Intuitif – Support aux opérateurs nomades de maintenance aéronautique.
Master’s Thesis, Université Paul Sabatier, September 2009.