Publications of Cédric SANZA
Esteban Villalobos, Mar Pérez-Sanagustin, Roger Azevedo, Cédric Sanza, Julien Broisin
Exploring Manifestations of Learners’ Self-Regulated Tactics and Strategies Across Blended Learning Courses
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 2024, 17, pp.1544-1557. ⟨10.1109/TLT.2024.3385641⟩
Messaoud Mezati, Foudil Cherif, Cédric Sanza, Véronique Gaildrat
An Ontology for Semantic Modelling of Virtual World
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications, 2015, 6 (1), pp.65–74
Louis-Pierre Bergé, Gary Perelman, Adrien Hamelin, Mathieu Raynal, Cédric Sanza, Minica Houry-Panchetti, Rémi Cabanac, Emmanuel Dubois
Smartphone Based 3D Navigation Techniques in an Astronomical Observatory Context: Implementation and Evaluation in a Software Platform
International Journal On Advances in Software, 2014, 7 (3-4), pp.551-566
Rabiafaranjato Velonoromanalintantely, Tahiry Zaka Filamatra Andriamarozakaniaina, Cédric Sanza, Véronique Gaildrat, Monique Martinez-Thomas
Theatrical Text to 3D Virtual Scenography
In : Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, Special issue Intelligent Computer Graphics 2012, Vol. 441, pp. 23-40, 2012.
Jérémy Boes, Cédric Sanza, Stéphane Sanchez
intuitive method for pedestrians in virtual environments
In : Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, Special issue Intelligent Computer Graphics, Vol. 374, pp. 117-138, August 2011.
Foudil Cherif, Djedi Noureddine, Cédric Sanza, Yves Duthen
Path finding and Collision Avoidance in Crowd Simulation
In : Journal of Computing and Information Technology, University Computing Centre, Zagreb – Croatia, Vol. 17 N. 3, pp. 217-228, September 2009.
BibTeXCédric Sanza, Olivier Heguy, Yves Duthen
Entités autonomes à base de LCS dans des environnements virtuels : Etat de l’art et exemples d’applications
In : ECA : Extraction de la Connaissance et Apprentissage, Editions Hermes, Vol. 3, pp. 31-60, December 2001.
Mar Pérez-Sanagustin, Ronald Pérez-Álvarez, Jorge Maldonado-Mahauad, Esteban Villalobos, Cédric Sanza
Designing a Moodle Plugin for Promoting Learners’ Self-regulated Learning in Blended Learning
17th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2022), Sep 2022, Toulouse, France. pp.324-339, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-16290-9_24⟩
Esteban Villalobos, Mar Pérez-Sanagustin, Cédric Sanza, André Tricot, Julien Broisin
Supporting Self-regulated Learning in BL: Exploring Learners’ Tactics and Strategies
Seventeenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning ECTEL22, Sep 2022, Toulouse, France. pp.407-420, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-16290-9_30⟩
Gary Perelman, Frédéric Amblard, Emmanuel Dubois, Benoit Gaudou, Elsy Kaddoum, Marc Mequignon, Cédric Sanza, Marcos Serrano, Antonio Serpa, Nicolas Verstaevel
Toward phygital agent-based interactive simulations to support urban planning
6th International Workshop on Agent-Based Modelling of Urban Systems (ABMUS @ AAMAS 2021), May 2021, London (Virtual), United Kingdom. pp.36-40
Noura El Haje, Jean Pierre Jessel, Véronique Gaildrat, Cédric Sanza
3D Cities Rendering and Visualisation: A Web-Based Solution
Eurographics Workshop on Urban Data Modelling and Visualisation (UDMV 2016), Dec 2016, Liege, Belgium. pp.95–100, ⟨10.2312/udmv.20161426⟩
Messaoud Mezati, Foudil Cherif, Cédric Sanza, Véronique Gaildrat
Semantic Representation of Virtual Humans
3rd International Conference on Internet Services Technology and Information Engineering (STIE 2015), International Society of Service Innovation Professionals (ISSIP), May 2015, Kuta, Bali, Indonesia. pp.3102–3105, ⟨10.1166/asl.2015.6469⟩
Messaoud Mezati, Foudil Cherif, Cédric Sanza, Véronique Gaildrat
SVHsIEVs For Navigation In Virtual Urban Environment
2nd International Conference on Foundations of Computer Science & Technology (CST 2015), Jan 2015, Zurich, Switzerland. pp.85–97
David Panzoli, Maxime Sanselone, Stephane Sanchez, Cédric Sanza, Catherine Pons Lelardeux, Pierre Lagarrigue, Yves Duthen
Introducing a design methodology for multi-character collaboration in immersive learning games
6th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications: VS-Games (VS-Games 2014), IEEE, Sep 2014, Msida, Malta. pp.(electronic medium)
Maxime Sanselone, Stephane Sanchez, Cédric Sanza, David Panzoli, Yves Duthen
Control of non-playing characters in a medical learning game with Monte Carlo Tree Search
IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG 2014), Aug 2014, Dortmund, Germany. pp.208–215
Maxime Sanselone, Stephane Sanchez, Cédric Sanza, David Panzoli, Yves Duthen
Control of non player characters in a medical learning game with Monte Carlo Tree Search (poster)
Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation COnference (GECCO 2014), SIGEVO: ACM Special Interest Group on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, Jul 2014, Vancouver, Canada. pp.51–52, ⟨10.1145/2598394.2598473⟩
Louis-Pierre Bergé, Emmanuel Dubois, Minica Houry-Panchetti, Mathieu Raynal, Cédric Sanza
Towards an engineering approach for advanced interaction techniques in 3D environments
Workshop HCI Engineering in the sixth ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS 2014), Jun 2014, Rome, Italy
Louis-Pierre Bergé, Matthieu Raynal, Cédric Sanza, Minica Houry-Panchetti, Marcos Serrano, R. Cabanac, Emmanuel Dubois
Smartphone-Based 3D Navigation Technique for Use in a Museum Exhibit
7th International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI 2014), Mar 2014, Barcelone, Spain. pp.252–257
Catherine Pons, David Panzoli, Stéphane Sanchez, Cédric Sanza, Yves Duthen
3D Virtual Operating Room : un learning game pour former les professionnels à la prévention et à la gestion des risques (regular paper)
In : Serious Games en Médecine et Santé (SEGAMED 2012), Nice, 05/10/12-06/10/12, Université de Nice (LEAT), (electronic medium), 2012.
Jérémy Boes, Stéphane Sanchez, Cédric Sanza
Intuitive Method for Pedestrians Simulation (regular paper)
In : International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence (3IA 2011), Athens, Greece, 27/05/11-28/05/11, Université d’Athènes, pp. 73-81, June 2011.
Louis-Pierre Bergé, Emmanuel Dubois, Minica Houry-Panchetti, Mustapha Mojahid, Cédric Sanza
Technique d’Interaction Tactilo-Tangible en Environnement Virtuel 3D (regular paper)
In : Journées francophones Mobilité et Ubiquité (UBIMOB 2011), Toulouse, 06/06/11-08/06/11, Emmanuel Dubois, Jean-Marc Pierson (Eds.), IRIT, pp. 109-116, 2011.
Abstract URL :
BibTeXMatthieu Pouget, Rabiafaranjato Velonoromanalintantely, Véronique Gaildrat, Cédric Sanza, Monique Martinez-Thomas
Codifying emotions in a theatrical context with symbolic rendering (short paper)
In : International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence (3IA 2011), Athènes, 27/05/11-28/05/11, Vol. 14, Dimitri Plemenos, Georges Mialouis (Eds.), Springer, pp. 1-5, May 2011.
Soumia Zertal, Djedi Noureddine, Cédric Sanza, Stéphane Sanchez, Yves Duthen
Exploitation des niveaux de détails dans la simulation du comportement dhumains virtuels (regular paper)
In : International Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (ICIST 2011), Tébessa, Algeria, 24/04/11-26/04/11, Université de Tébessa, (electronic medium), April 2011.
Samir Torki, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Cédric Sanza, Patrice Torguet
An Area of Management Approach for HLA-based Distributed Virtual Environments (regular paper)
In : International Simulation Multi-Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 12/07/10-14/07/10, Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO), (on line), July 2010.
BibTeXAhmad Abdul Karim, Cédric Sanza
Learning by implicit imitation in virtual worlds (short paper)
In : Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2010), Saint-malo, 31/05/10-02/06/10, INRIA, pp. 18-21, May 2010.
Trung Hau Tran, Cédric Sanza, Yves Duthen
Evolving prediction weights using evolution strategy
In : Genetic and Evolutionary Computation COnference (GECCO 2008), Atlanta, Etats-Unis, 12/07/08-16/07/08, ACM : Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 2009-2015, July 2008.
Jerome Salut, Cédric Sanza, Jean-Pierre Jessel
Vers une uniformisation des animations de marche
In : GTAS, Lyon, 25/06/07-26/06/07, IRIT Press, (electronic medium), June 2007.
Samir Torki, Patrice Torguet, Cédric Sanza
Optimizing Dead Reckoning with Classifier Systems
In : European Simulation Interoperability Workshop (Euro-SIW 2007), Genes, Italie, 18/06/07-20/06/07, Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO), (on line), 2007.
BibTeXSamir Torki, Patrice Torguet, Cédric Sanza
Adaptive Classifier System-Based Dead Reckoning
In : Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (EGVE 2007), Weimar, Allemagne, 15/07/07-18/07/07, Vol. virtual environments 2007, Eurographics, pp. 101-108, July 2007.
Trung Hau Tran, Cédric Sanza, Yves Duthen, Dinh Thuc Nguyen
XCSF with Computed Continuous Action
In : Genetic and Evolutionary Computation COnference (GECCO 2007), Londres, 07/07/07-11/07/07, Dirk Thierens (Eds.), ACM : Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 1861-1869, July 2007.
William Tambellini, Cédric Sanza
Behaviors Generation with Artificial Intelligence in Video Games
In : International Digital Games Conference (GAMES 2006), Portalegre, Portugal, 26/09/06-30/09/06, APROJE, pp. 217-220, September 2006.
Foudil Cherif, Djedi Noureddine, Cédric Sanza
Path finding in crowd simulation with priority rules
In : Journées Internationales sur l’Informatique Graphique (JIG 2006), Tebessa, Algérie, 06/11/06-07/11/06, IRIT, pp. 1-9, November 2006.
Un compagnon virtuel pour lapprentissage en ligne
In : Université du multimédia ludo-éducatif et pédagogique (Ludovia 2006), Saint-Lizier, France, 05/07/06-07/07/06, Ariège Expansion, (electronic medium), July 2006.
Laurence Capus, Cédric Sanza, Julian Alvarez
Apport des technologies multimédias dans le système dapprentissage en ligne Sphinx
In : Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication dans l’Enseignement Supérieur et l’Entreprise (TICE 2006), Toulouse, 25/10/06-27/10/06, INPT : Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, (electronic medium), October 2006.
Trung Hau Tran, Cédric Sanza, Yves Duthen
Cooperation in the Prey Predator Problem with Learning Classifier System
In : International Conference on Theories and Applications of Computer Science (ICTACS 2006), HoChiMinh-Ville, Vietnam, 03/08/06-05/08/06, World Scientific, pp. 78-84, 2006.
Trung Hau Tran, Cédric Sanza, Yves Duthen
Evolving the Motor Schema Approach for Learning Cooperation
In : Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2006), Genève, Suisse, 05/07/06-07/07/06, Wiley, pp. 219-228, 2006.
William Tambellini, Cédric Sanza, Yves Duthen
Apprentissage de décision de haut niveau pour les personnages non joueurs dans les jeux vidéos.
In : Journées IA et jeux, Paris, 14/06/05.
Trung Hau Tran, Cédric Sanza, Yves Duthen
Learning Cooperation from Classifier Systems
In : Conf: Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS) 2005, Xi’an, China, 15/12/05-19/12/05, Y.Hao et al. (Eds.), CIS 2005, Part I, LNAI 3801, pp. 329-336, December 2005.
Samir Torki, Cédric Sanza, Patrice Torguet, Jean-Pierre Jessel
Classifier system based autonomous vehicles in HLA distributed driving simulations
In : International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence (3IA 2005), Limoges, 11/05/05-12/05/05, Laboratoire XLIM – Université de Limoges, pp. 149-159, May 2005.
BibTeXSamir Torki, Patrice Torguet, Cédric Sanza, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Pierre Siron
Intelligent autonomous agents in HLA virtual environments
In : SISO European Simulation Interoperability Workshop (Euro-SIW), Toulouse, 27/06/05-30/06/05, SISOIEEE/ITCMS, 445 Hoes LanePiscataway, NJ 08855, pp. 261-270, June 2005.
William Tambellini, Cédric Sanza, Yves Duthen
High-level decision learning for non-player characters in video games
In : CGAIDE’2004, International Conference on Computer Games: Artificial Intelligence, Design and Education, Wolverhampton, UK, 08/11/04-10/11/04, ???, November 2004.
William Tambellini, Cédric Sanza, Yves Duthen
Force Non Player Characters to learn
In : GAME’ON’2004, 5th annual European Conference on Simulation and AI in Computer Games, Het Pand, Belgique, 25/11/04-27/11/04, ???, November 2004.
Trung Hau Tran, Cédric Sanza, Yves Duthen
Study of the anticipatory system in simulation
In : International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence (3IA 2004), Limoges, France, 12/05/04-13/05/04, Laboratoire XLIM – Université de Limoges, pp. 129-136, May 2004.
Eric Perdigau, Patrice Torguet, Cédric Sanza, Jean-Pierre Jessel
A Distributed Virtual Storytelling System for Firefighters Training
In : International Conference on Virtual Storytelling (ICVS 2003), Toulouse, 20/11/03-21/11/03, Vol. 2897/2003, Olivier Balet, Gérard Subsol, Patrice Torguet (Eds.), Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science ISBN 978-3-540-20535-7, pp. 227-230, November 2003.
BibTeXOlivier Heguy, Cédric Sanza, Alain Berro, Yves Duthen
GXCS: A Generic Classifier System and its Application in a Real-Time Cooperative Behavioral Simulation
In : ISADS’2002, International Symposium on Advanced Distributed Systems, Guadalajara, Mexique, 13/11/02-15/11/02, ., November 2002.
Cédric Sanza, Olivier Heguy, Yves Duthen
Evolution of Cooperative Virtual Entities with Classifier Systems
In : CAS’2001, Eurographic Workshop on Computer Animation, Manchester, 03/09/01-05/09/01, Magnenat-Thalmann, Thalmann, Cani, pp. 183-194, September 2001.
Cyril Panatier, Cédric Sanza, Yves Duthen
Adaptive Entity thanks to Behavioral Prediction
In : SAB’2000 From Animals to Animats, the 6th International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, Paris, 11/09/00-16/09/00, Meyer, …, pp. 295-303, September 2000.
Cédric Sanza, Cyril Panatier, Yves Duthen
Communication and Interaction with Learning Agents in Virtual Soccer
In : VW’2000 2nd International Conference on Virtual Worlds, Paris, 05/07/00-07/07/00, Jean-Claude Heudin Eds, pp. 147-158, July 2000.
Cédric Sanza, Cyril Panatier, Yves Duthen
Adaptive Behavior for Cooperation: a Virtual Reality Application
In : RO-MAN’99, 8th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and HumanInteraction, Pise, Italie, 27/09/99-29/09/99, IEEE : 99TH8483, U.S.A, pp. 76-81, September 1999.
Cédric Sanza, Christophe Destruel, Yves Duthen
Learning in Real-Time Environment Based on Classifiers System
In : WSCG’99, 7th International Conference in Central Europe on ComputerGraphics, Visualization and Interactive Digital Media’99, Plzen, République Tchèque, 08/02/99-12/02/99, V. Skala eds, Plzen, République Tchèque, pp. 440-447, February 1999.
Cédric Sanza, Christophe Destruel, Yves Duthen
Autonomous Actors in an Interactive Real-Time Environment
In : ICVC’99, International Conference on Visual Computing, Goa, Inde, 23/02/99-26/02/99, NCST, Mumbai, India, pp. 117-122, February 1999.
Cédric Sanza, Christophe Destruel, Yves Duthen
A learning method for adaptation and evolution in virtual environments
In : 3IA’98, 3rd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence, Limoges,France, ., April 1998.
Cédric Sanza, Christophe Destruel, Yves Duthen
Agents autonomes pour l’interaction adaptative dans les mondes virtuels
In : Actes de AFIG 97, Rennes, 03/12/97-05/12/97, -, December 1997.
Rabiafaranjato Velonoromanalintantely, Tahiry Zaka Filamatra Andriamarozakaniaina, Cédric Sanza, Véronique Gaildrat
Du texte théâtral à la scénographie 3D virtuelle
Martinez, Monique; Proust, Sophie. La notation du travail théâtral : du manuscrit au numérique, 9, Lansmann Editeur, pp.77–95, 2016, Hispania, 978-2807101142
William Tambellini, Cédric Sanza
Intelligence artificielle et jeux
In : (Coll. Information, hypermédias et communications). Tristan Cazenave (Eds.) , Hermès Science, 2, pp. 23-46, November 2006.
Evolution d’entités virtuelles coopératives par système de classifieurs
Master’s Thesis, Université Paul Sabatier, June 2001.
Trung Hau Tran, Cédric Sanza, Yves Duthen
Système dapprentissage basé sur des actions continues
Vulgarisation. 2007.
Trung Hau Tran, Cédric Sanza, Yves Duthen
Simulation de Comportement Adaptatif pour une Stratégie Coopérative
Diffusion scientifique. June 2006.