Publications of
Du mode de prise en compte ontologique et terminologique de lévolution des connaissances dans les domaines techniques
In : Information – Interaction – Intelligence (I3), Cépaduès Editions, Special issue Des documents aux connaissances : évolution et maintenance dans les textes, les terminologies et les ontologies, Vol. Special edition, pp. 9-29, 2006.
Abstract URL :
BibTeXBernard Rothenburger, Daniel Galarreta
facing knowledge Evolution in Space Project: a multi-viewpoint approach
In : Journal of Knowledge Management, Emerald, Bradford – UK, Special issue Knowledge management in the space industry, Vol. 10 N. 2, pp. 52-65, 2006.
Jean-Philippe Fauconnier, Mouna Kamel, Bernard Rothenburger
Une typologie multi-dimensionnelle des structures énumératives pour lidentification des relations termino-ontologiques (regular paper)
In : Conférence Internationale sur la Terminologie et l’Intelligence Artificielle (TIA 2013), Paris, 28/10/13-30/10/13, Université Paris 13, pp. 137-144, October 2013.
Abstract URL : –
BibTeXMouna Kamel, Bernard Rothenburger
A Study of Parallel Enumerative Structures for Ontology Building and Enrichment (poster)
In : EKAW 2010 Poster and Demo track (EKAW 2010), Lisbonne (Portugal),, 11/10/10-15/10/10, Vol. 674, Johanna Völker, Oscar Corcho (Eds.), CEUR-WS : Workshop proceedings, (on line), 2013.
Abstract URL : –
BibTeXJean-Philippe Fauconnier, Mouna Kamel, Bernard Rothenburger, Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles
Apprentissage supervisé pour l’identification de relations sémantiques au sein de structures énumératives parallèles (regular paper)
In : Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2013), Les Sables d’Olonne (France), 17/06/13-21/06/13, Emmanuel Morin (Eds.), Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (ATALA), pp. 132-145, June 2013.
Abstract URL : –
BibTeXCamille Pradel, Nathalie Hernandez, Mouna Kamel, Bernard Rothenburger
Une ontologie du cinema pour evaluer les applications du web semantique (regular paper)
In : Atelier Ontologies et Jeux de Données pour évaluer le web sémantique à IC 2012 (OJD 2012), Paris, France, 26/06/12, Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, Jean Charlet, Mouna Kamel, Nathalie Hernandez, Camille Pradel (Eds.), Kent State UNiversity, (on line), 2012.
Mouna Kamel, Bernard Rothenburger
Ontology building using text layout and rhetorical structure: some new issues (poster)
In : Conference on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering (TKE 2012), Madrid – Espagne, 19/06/12-22/06/12, Guadalupe Aguado de Cea, Mari Carmen Suãrez-Figueroa, Raùl Garcia-Castro, Elena Montiel-Ponsoda (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, pp. 314-315, June 2012.
Mouna Kamel, Mustapha Mojahid, Bernard Rothenburger
Quand rédiger c’est décrire : Mise en forme matérielle des textes et construction d’ontologies à partir de textes (regular paper)
In : Journées Francophones d’Ingénierie des Connaissances (IC 2012), Paris, 25/06/12-29/06/12, INSERM UMRS 872, pp. 133-148, June 2012.
Mouna Kamel, Bernard Rothenburger
Structures énumératives dans les textes vs. Structures hiérachiques dans les ontologies (regular paper)
In : Journées Francophones sur les Ontologies (JFO 2011), Montréal, 22/06/11-23/06/11, Rafik Bouazie, Pierre Bourque, Gilles Falquet (Eds.), ACM SIGGRAPH / IEEE, (electronic medium), 2011.
Mouna Kamel, Bernard Rothenburger
Eliciting hierarchical structures from enumerative structures for ontology learning (poster)
In : International Conference on Knowledge Capture (KCAP 2011), Banff (Alberta, Canada), 25/06/11-29/06/11, Mark Musen, Oscar Corcho (Eds.), ACM : Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 163-164, June 2011.
Abstract URL :
BibTeXMouna Kamel, Bernard Rothenburger
Elicitation de Structures Hiérarchiques à partir de Structures Enumératives pour la Construction d’Ontologie (regular paper)
In : Journées Francophones d’Ingénierie des Connaissances (IC 2011), Annecy (F), 17/05/11-20/05/11, Alain Mille (Eds.), Presses Universitaires des Antilles et de la Guyane, pp. 507-522, May 2011 (meilleur article).
Abstract URL :
BibTeXMouna Kamel, Bernard Rothenburger
Ontology Building Using Parallel Enumerative Structure (short paper)
In : International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD 2010), Valence, 25/10/10-28/10/10, INSTICC – Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, pp. 276-281, October 2010.
Mouna Kamel, Bernard Rothenburger
A Study of Parallel Enumerative Structures for Ontology Building and Enrichment (poster)
In : Proceedings of EKAW 2010 poster and Demo track, Lisbonne (Portugal), 11/10/10-15/10/10, Johanna Völker, Oscar Corcho (Eds.).
Abstract URL :
BibTeXNacim Fateh Chikhi, Bernard Rothenburger, Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles
Une approche probabiliste pour lidentification de structures de communautés (short paper)
In : Journées Francophones Extraction et Gestion de Connaissances (EGC 2010), Hammamet (Tumisie), 26/01/10-29/01/10, Vol. E19, Jean-Marc PETIT, Mohamed ZAKI (Eds.), Cépaduès Editions, RNTI, pp. 175-180, February 2010.
Abstract URL :
BibTeXNacim Fateh Chikhi, Bernard Rothenburger, Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles
Community Structure Identification: A Probabilistic Approach (regular paper)
In : International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, Miami (USA), 13/12/09-15/12/09, Arif Wani, Mehmed Kantardzic, Vasile Palade, Lukasz Kurgan, Yuan Qi (Eds.), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 125-130, December 2009 (Best paper award).
Nacim Fateh Chikhi, Bernard Rothenburger, Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles
Combining Link and Content Information for Scientific Topics Discovery
In : IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Dayton, Ohio (USA), 03/11/08-05/11/08, Vol. 2, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 211-214, November 2008.
Abstract URL : v10.0.pdf
BibTeXBernard Rothenburger, Nacim Fateh Chikhi, Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles
Le web sémantique est-il soluble dans le web 2.0? (Fouille de texte versus Fouille de communauté)
In : Atelier IC2.0, en association avec le 19èmes journées Francophone d’Ingéniérie des Connaissances (IC2008) (IC2 2008), Nancy, 17/06/08, INRIA, pp. 17-18, June 2008.
Nacim Fateh Chikhi, Bernard Rothenburger, Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles
Authoritative Documents Identification based on Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (regular paper)
In : IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI 2008), Las Vegas (USA), 13/07/08-15/07/08, Kang Zhang, Reda Alhajj (Eds.), IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 262-267, 2008.
Abstract URL :
BibTeXNacim Fateh Chikhi, Bernard Rothenburger, Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles
A New Algorithm for Community Identification in Linked Data
In : International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2008), Zagreb (Croatia), 03/09/08-05/09/08, Ignac Lovrek, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in AI 5177, pp. 641-648, 2008.
Nacim Fateh Chikhi, Bernard Rothenburger, Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles
A Comparison of Dimensionality reduction techniques for Web Structure Mining
In : IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Silicon Valley (USA), 02/11/07-05/11/07, Li Tsau Young (T.Y.) (Eds.), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 116-119, 2007.
Bernard Rothenburger, Nacim Fateh Chikhi, Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles
Comment maintenir lintelligibilité des archives scientifiques : une solution basée sur lutilisation des ontologies et des textes
In : Atelier “ontologies et textes” Associé à TIA 2007, Sophia-Antipolis, 10/10/07, Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, Philippe Laublet (Eds.).
Bernard Rothenburger, Daniel Galarreta
Facing Knowledge Evolution in Space Projects: A New Way of Thinking About
In : 55th International Astronautical Congress, Vancouver Canada, 04/10/04-08/10/04, AIAA’s document delivery service., AIAA Dispatch Tel 1(816) 662.15.45 Fax. 1(816) 926.87.94 E-Mail :, pp. 1301, October 2004.
A Differential Approach for Knowledge Management
In : ECAI 2002 Workshop 16 : Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning for Ontology Engineering, Lyon (F), 22/07/02-23/07/02, Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, Alexander Maeche (Eds.), ECAI 2002, pp. 51-60, July 2002.
Laurent Perrussel, Bernard Rothenburger
A formalism for Convergence Measurement in a Multi-viewpoint Requirement Process
In : Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases X, Tampere (Finlande), 20/05/98-22/05/98, IOS Press, Amsterdam – Hollande, pp. 191-199, May 1998.
Daniel Galarreta, Pierre-Jean Charrel, Bernard Rothenburger, Brigitte Trousse, Claude Vogel
Study of Dynamic Viewpoints in Satellite Design
In : 9th Symposium IFAC INformation COntrol in Manufacturing systems INCOM’98, Nancy, 24/06/98-26/06/98, ., June 1998.
Laurent Perrussel, Pierre-Jean Charrel, Bernard Rothenburger
A Formalism for Inter-Perspective Relationships Checking
In : Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases VIII : Principles and formal techniques, Copenhague, Danemark, _, May 1996.
Bernard Rothenburger, Pierre-Jean Charrel, Laurent Perrussel
‘La Conception Permanente’ ou les agents de conception sont-ils automatisables ?
In : Actes du 2ème congrès biennal de l’AFCET, Toulouse, France, -, October 1995.
Laurent Perrussel, Pierre-Jean Charrel, Bernard Rothenburger
A Multi-Agent Approach for Expressing Inter-Viewpoint Relationships
In : Proc. of the first International Workshop on Decentralized Multi-Agent Systems, Krakow, Poland, 22/11/95-24/11/95, -, pp. 363-370, November 1995.
Pierre-Jean Charrel, Chihab Hanachi, Bernard Rothenburger, Daniel Galarreta
An Approach to Designing Based on a Multiviewpoint Confrontation of Specular Agents
In : Proc. of International Workshop on Philosophy od Design and Information Technology, Caen, .
Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, Anne Condamines, Nathalie Hernandez, Bernard Rothenburger
Workshop Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence – WS2: Ontology and Lexicon: new insights, Paris (F), 10/11/11 – 10/11/11, INALCO, November 2011.
Mouna Kamel, Bernard Rothenburger
A Study of Parallel Enumerative Structures for Ontology Building and Enrichment (poster)
In : EKAW 2010 Poster and Demo track (EKAW 2010), Lisbonne (Portugal),, 11/10/10-15/10/10, Vol. 674, Johanna Völker, Oscar Corcho (Eds.), CEUR-WS : Workshop proceedings, (on line), 2013.
Abstract URL : –
BibTeXMouna Kamel, Bernard Rothenburger
Ontology building using text layout and rhetorical structure: some new issues (poster)
In : Conference on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering (TKE 2012), Madrid – Espagne, 19/06/12-22/06/12, Guadalupe Aguado de Cea, Mari Carmen Suãrez-Figueroa, Raùl Garcia-Castro, Elena Montiel-Ponsoda (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, pp. 314-315, June 2012.
Mouna Kamel, Bernard Rothenburger
Eliciting hierarchical structures from enumerative structures for ontology learning (poster)
In : International Conference on Knowledge Capture (KCAP 2011), Banff (Alberta, Canada), 25/06/11-29/06/11, Mark Musen, Oscar Corcho (Eds.), ACM : Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 163-164, June 2011.
Abstract URL :
BibTeXMouna Kamel, Bernard Rothenburger
A Study of Parallel Enumerative Structures for Ontology Building and Enrichment (poster)
In : Proceedings of EKAW 2010 poster and Demo track, Lisbonne (Portugal), 11/10/10-15/10/10, Johanna Völker, Oscar Corcho (Eds.).
Abstract URL :