Publications of
Gérard Bel, E. Bensana, Didier Dubois
Construction d’ordonnancements prévisionnels: un compromis entre approches classiques et systèmes experts
In : Automatique Productique et Informatique Industrielle, Vol. 22, pp. 509-536, 1988.
Gérard Bel, E. Bensana, Didier Dubois, J.L. Koning
Handling fuzzy priority rules in a jobshop-scheduling system
In : Proc. of the 3rd Inter. Fuzzy Systems Assoc. (IFSA) Congress, ., 06/08/89-11/08/89.
Gérard Bel, E. Bensana, Didier Dubois
Un système d’ordonnancement prévisionel d’atelier utilisant des connaissances théoriques et pratiques
In : 6ème Journée ‘Les Systèmes Experts et leur Applications, Avignon, .
Gérard Bel, E. Bensana, M. Correge, Didier Dubois
An expert system approach to industrial job-shop scheduling
In : Proc. IEEE Inter. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, San Francisco, 07/04/86-10/04/86, ., pp. 1645-1650, April 1986.
Gérard Bel, E. Bensana, M. Correge, Didier Dubois
SIMULISP: un banc d’essai de systèmes experts pour la commande des ateliers de production
In : Congrès AFCET Automatique 85, ., ., pp. 463-475, January 1985.
E. Bensana, Gérard Bel, Didier Dubois
OPAL: a multi-knowledge based system for industrial job-shop scheduling
In : Computer Integrated Manufacturing – Current Status and Challenges. I.B. Turksen (Eds.) , Springer Verlag, Berlin, NATO ASI Series, Series F., Vol. 49, pp. 295-330, 1988.
Gérard Bel, E. Bensana, Didier Dubois, J. Erschler, P. Esquirol
A knowledge-based approach to industrial job-shop scheduling
In : Knowledge-Based Systems in Manufacturing. A. Kusiak (Eds.) , Taylor & Francis Ltd, pp. 207-246, 1988.