Publications of
Sandrine Mouysset, Hiba Zbib, Simon Stute, Jean-Marc Girault, Jamal Charara , Joseph Noailles, Sylvie Chalon, Irène Buvat, Clovis Tauber
Segmentation of Dynamic PET Images with Kinetic Spectral Clustering
In : Physics in Medicine and Biology, IOP Science, Bristol – UK, Vol. 58, pp. 6931-6944, 2013.
Sandrine Mouysset, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz, Clovis Tauber
Spectral Clustering: interpretation and Gaussian parameter
In : Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, Springer, Vol. 4, pp. 153-162, 2013.
Sandrine Mouysset, Ronan Guivarch, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz
Segmentation of cDNA Microarray Images using Parallel Spectral Clustering
In : Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal (ADCAIJ), Bisite Research Group, Université de Salamanque – Espagne, Vol. special issue #4, pp. 5-12, March 2013.
URL : –
BibTeXMixed Integer Programming for a Special Logic Constrained Optimal Control Problem
In : Mathematical Programming Series B, Springer, Special issue Deterministic Global Optimization and Applications, Vol. 103 N. 2, pp. 309-333, June 2005.
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Joseph Gergaud, Joseph Noailles
3D Geosynchronous Transfer of a Satellite: Continuation on the Thrust
In : Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 118 N. 3, pp. 541-565, 2003.
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Joseph Noailles
Coplanar control of a satellite around the Earth
In : ESAIM Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, EDP Sciences, SMAI, Vol. 6, pp. 239-258, February 2001.
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Joseph Noailles
Sensitivity analysis for time optimal orbit transfer
In : Optimization, Gordon and Breach Science, Overseas Publishers Association, Amsterdam, Vol. 49 N. 4, pp. 327-350, 2001.
Contrôle en temps minimal et transfert orbital à très faibles poussées ; équation aux dérivées partielles
In : Articles dédiés à J.-L. Lions, Elsevier, Vol. ., pp. 705-724, 1998.
Mario Arioli, Iain Duff, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz
A block projection method for sparse matrices
In : SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, Vol. 13, pp. 47-70, 1992.
Sandrine Mouysset, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz, Clovis Tauber
Spectral clustering: interpretation and parameter (regular paper)
In : Annual Conference of the German Classification Society on Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery, Hildesheim, 01/08/12-03/08/12, Springer, pp. 94-94, 2013.
URL : –
BibTeXSandrine Mouysset, Ronan Guivarch, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz
Parallel Spectral Clustering for the Segmentation of cDNA Microarray Images (regular paper)
In : International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (PACBB 2012), Salamanca, 28/03/12-30/03/12, Springer, pp. 1-9, March 2012.
Sandrine Mouysset, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz
Classification spectrale : interprétation et résultat (regular paper)
In : Rencontres de la Société Francophone de Classification, Orléans, 28/09/11-30/09/11, Société Francophone de Classification (SFC), (electronic medium), 2011.
Sandrine Mouysset, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz, Ronan Guivarch
Microarray image segmentation using parallel spectral clustering (short paper)
In : Journées Ouvertes Biologie, Informatique et Mathématiques (JOBIM 2011), Paris, 28/06/11-01/07/11, Institut Pasteur, (electronic medium), 2011.
Sandrine Mouysset, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz, Ronan Guivarch
On a strategy for Spectral Clustering with parallel computation (regular paper)
In : High Performance Computing for Computational Science (VECPAR 2010), Berkeley, CA, 22/06/10-25/06/10, Springer-Verlag, pp. 408-420, 2011.
Sandrine Mouysset, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz, Ronan Guivarch
A parallel strategy for spectral clustering
In : 2nd JFLI Workshop, Paris, 12/10/10-13/10/10.
Sandrine Mouysset, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz
On the efficiency of Spectral Clustering : interpretation, parallel computation and results
In : 24th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2010), Lisbon, Portugal, 11/07/10-14/07/10.
Sandrine Mouysset, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz
On an interpretation of Spectral Clustering via Heat equation and Finite Elements theory (regular paper)
In : International Conference of Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering (ICDMKE 2010), London, UK, 30/06/10-02/07/10, Vol. 1, International Association of Ingineers (IAENG, pp. 267-272, 2010 (Best Paper Award).
BibTeXSandrine Mouysset, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz
On the efficiency of Spectral Clustering : interpretation and results
In : Sparse Days Meeting, Toulouse, 18/06/09-19/06/09.
Sandrine Mouysset, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz
Using a Global Parameter for Gaussian Affinity Matrix in Spectral Clustering
In : International Meeting High Performance Computing for Computational Science (VECPAR 2008), Toulouse, 24/06/08-27/06/08, Springer-Verlag, (on line), June 2008.
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Joseph Gergaud, Joseph Noailles
Contrôle de l’équation de Kepler : application aux transferts orbitaux
In : SMAI, Evian, 01/05/05-01/05/05.
Global Optimization for Minimum Energy 2D Orbit Transfer Problem
In : SIAM Conference on Optimization, Stockholm, Sweden, 19/05/05-25/05/05.
Convex relaxations for minimum energy orbit transfer problem
In : 4th Annual McMaster Optimization Conference: Theory and Applications (MOPTA 2004), Hamilton, Canada, 28/07/04-30/07/04.
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Romain Dujol, Joseph Gergaud, Thomas Haberkorn, Pierre Martinon, Joseph Noailles, Dorin Preda
Control of orbit transfers
In : First joint Canada-France meeting of the mathematical sciences, Toulouse, 12/07/04-15/07/04.
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Romain Dujol, Joseph Noailles
Construction de transferts d’orbites sous-optimaux
In : 12emes Journees MODE de la SMAI, Le Havre, 25/03/04-27/03/04.
Discrete Time LQR Optimal Control Problem with Logical Constraints
In : The 18th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP 2003), Copenhagen, Denmark, 12/08/03-19/08/03.
Alexandre Augot, Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Matthieu Bernier, Joseph Noailles, Alain Philippon
Automate d’hemoculture Bact/Alert : modelisation et classification de courbes de croissance
In : 23rd Interdisciplinary Meeting on Anti-infectious Chemotherapy (RICAI), Paris, 01/12/03-05/12/03.
Joseph Noailles, Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Joseph Gergaud
Trajectory optimization and numerical optimal control
In : Applied Mathematics and Applications of Mathematics (AMAM), Nice, 10/02/03-13/02/03.
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Joseph Gergaud, Thomas Haberkorn, Pierre Martinon, Joseph Noailles
Numerical optimal control and orbital transfers
In : Optimal Control Workshop, Greifswald, 01/10/02-01/10/02, Technische Universität München, pp. 39-49, October 2002.
Mohsen Denguir, Joseph Noailles
An approximate closed-loop solution of optimal control problems using neural networks
In : 16th IMACS, Lausanne, Suisse, 21/08/01-25/08/01.
Joseph Gergaud, Joseph Noailles
A new method for time optimal control problem and its application to low thrust orbital transfert
In : Low thrust trajectory optimization, Toulouse, 07/03/00-08/03/00.
Joseph Noailles, Joseph Gergaud
Une méthode de résolution des problèmes de contrôle optimal : éléments de comparaison avec les démarches classiques
In : 8ème Journées MODE de la SMAI, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, 23/03/00-25/03/00.
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Joseph Noailles
Wavelets for adaptive solution of boundary value problems
In : 16 th IMACS Conference, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 21/08/00-25/08/00, IMACS, Dept. of Computer ScienceRutgers UniversityNew Brunswick – NJ 08903USA, pp. 1-6, August 2000.
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Joseph Gergaud, Joseph Noailles
Continuation technique for a weakly controlled sattelite
In : Nonlinear Analysis 2000, Courant Institute, New-York, 28/05/00-02/06/00.
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Joseph Noailles
Etude geometrique d’un transfert d’orbite
In : Huitiemes Journees du groupe MODE de la SMAI, Toulouse, France, 23/03/00-25/03/00.
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Joseph Noailles
Parametric approach for time optimal control
In : Sixth International Conference on Parametric Optimization and Related Topics, PARAOPT VI, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 04/10/99-08/10/99.
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Joseph Noailles
Time optimal orbit transfer
In : Nonlinear Sciences on the Border of Milleniums, conference dedicated to the 275th anniversary of Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 22/06/99-24/06/99.
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Joseph Noailles
Ondelettes pour la résolution adaptative de problèmes linéaires aux deux bouts
In : Séminaire CESAME de l’Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, 16/06/98-16/06/98.
Tony Riyanto, Tanh Le Cong, Alain Ayache, Joseph Noailles
Lighting Optimization For Industrial Vision System
In : Second International Conference on Robotics, Vision And Parallel Pr ocessing For Industrial Automation, ROVPIA’96, Tronoh, Tronoh, Perak, Malaysie, 28/11/96-30/11/96, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tronoh, Malaysie, pp. 528-533, November 1996.
BibTeXTony Riyanto, Tanh Le Cong, Alain Ayache, Joseph Noailles
Optimal Incoherent Lighting for CCD Bar Code Scanner
In : Fourth International Conference On Control, Automation, Robotics And Vision, ICARCV’96, Singapour, 03/12/96-06/12/96, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Singapour, pp. 1039-1043, December 1996.
BibTeXOptimization of weakly controlled systems and Non-Linear Programming
In : Fifth SIAM Conference on Optimization, Victoria, Canada, 20/05/96.
Trajectory optimization and mathematical programming
In : Workshop on Optimization, International Linear Algebra Year, Albi, France, 22/04/96.
Frédéric Messine, Jean-Louis Lagouanelle, Joseph Noailles, P. Floquet
Utilisation d’une méthode d’optimisation globale pour la synthèse de procédés
In : Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés ,Simulation – Optimisation Commande, SIMO’96, Toulouse, Lavoisier Tec et Doc, Nancy, pp. 27-32, September 1996.
Frédéric Messine, Serge Domenech, P. Floquet, Jean-Louis Lagouanelle, Joseph Noailles
Global optimization in Chemical Processes
In : Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Optimization, Gold Coast, Autralia, 06/05/96, -, May 1996.
Optimization of weakly controlled space systems trajectories
In : proceedings of the 20th international symposium on space technology and science, Gifu, Japan, 19/05/96, -, pp. 172-176, May 1996.
Tony Riyanto, Tanh Le Cong, Alain Ayache, Joseph Noailles
Optimal incoherent lighting for CCD Bar code scanner
In : Proceedings of 2th Intl. Conf. on Robotics Vision and Parallel Processing for Industrial Automation (ROUPIA’96), Tronom-Perak (Malaysia), -, pp. 528-533, November 1996.
Joseph Noailles, Nicolas Durand, Jean-Marc Alliot
Collision avoidance using genetic algorithms learned by neural networks
In : Proc. of Industrial Engineering Applications of AI and expert systems (IEA/AEI’96), Sukova (Japan), 04/06/96, -, pp. 585-591, June 1996.
Sophie Geffroy, Joseph Noailles, Richard Epenoy
On averaging technics in optimal control for orbital low-thrust transfers and rendez-vous computation
In : Proceedings of the 20th international symposium on space technology and science, Gifu, Japan, 19/05/96, -, pp. 166-171, May 1996.
Joseph Gergaud, Joseph Noailles
Problèmes d’optimisation de trajectoires: difficultés des algorithmes de tir, résolution par une démarche homotopique
In : Séminaire Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, .
Joseph Gergaud, Joseph Noailles
Problème d’optimisation de trajectoires: difficultés des algorithmes de tir, résolution par une démarche homotopique
In : Proceedings of the International Symposium Space Dynamics, Toulouse, Cepadues-Editions, pp. 693-705, June 1995.
Claude Bétourné, Daniel Litaize, Joseph Noailles, Patrick Sallé
De l’algorithme à son exécution parallèle
In : Les 20 ans des SPI, SITEF, Toulouse, .
Joseph Gergaud, Joseph Noailles
Application of simplicial algorithms to a spacecraft trajectory optimization problem
In : IFACS, Tbilissi, .
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Joseph Gergaud, Joseph Noailles
Minimum time control of the Kepler equation
In : Unsolved Problems in Mathematical Systems and Control Theory. Vincent D. Blondel, Alexandre Megretski (Eds.) , Princeton University Press, pp. 89-92, 2004.
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Joseph Noailles
Continuous sensitivity analysis with AD
In : Automatic Differentiation: From Simulation to Optimization. George Corliss, Christèle Faure, Andreas Griewank, Laurent Hascoet, Uwe Naumann (Eds.) , Springer, pp. 109-117, 2002.