
Publications of

Journal articles
  • Didier Dubois, J.L. Koning

    A decision engine based on rational aggregation of heuristic knowledge

    In : Decision Support Systems, Vol. 11, pp. 337-361, 1994.


  • Didier Dubois, J.L. Koning

    Social choice axioms for fuzzy set aggregation

    In : Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Elsevier, Vol. 44 N. 1, pp. 1-18, 1991.


Conference papers
  • J.L. Koning, Didier Dubois

    Social choice theory for reaching consensus among agents

    In : Proc. of the ECAI’94 Workshop on Decision Theory for DAI Applications, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 08/08/94-12/08/94, ., pp. 30-40, August 1994.


  • Didier Dubois, J.L. Koning

    DEBORA: a decision engine based on rational aggregation

    In : Proc. of the 2nd Annual Conf. on AI, Simulation and Planning in High Autonomy Systems, University of Florida, Cocoa Beach, 01/04/91-02/04/91.


  • Didier Dubois, J.L. Koning, Gérard Bel

    Règles de décision antagonistes dans les systèmes à base de connaissances – Une application de la théorie du choix social

    In : Actes 7ème Congrès AFCET Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, Paris, 29/11/89-01/12/89, ., pp. 1647-1659, November 1989.


  • Gérard Bel, E. Bensana, Didier Dubois, J.L. Koning

    Handling fuzzy priority rules in a jobshop-scheduling system

    In : Proc. of the 3rd Inter. Fuzzy Systems Assoc. (IFSA) Congress, ., 06/08/89-11/08/89.


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