Publications of
Salem Benferhat, Laurent Garcia
Handling locally stratified inconsistent knowledge bases
In : Studia Logica, Kluwer, The Netherlands, Vol. 70, pp. 77-104, 2002.
Salem Benferhat, Didier Dubois, Laurent Garcia, Henri Prade
On the transformation between possibilistic logic bases and possibilistic causal networks
In : International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Elsevier, North-Holland, Vol. 29 N. 2, pp. 135-173, February 2002.
Salem Benferhat, Didier Dubois, Laurent Garcia, Henri Prade
Possibilistic logic bases and possibilistic graphs
In : 15th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI’99), Stockholm, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, Ca., pp. 57-64, July 1999.
Salem Benferhat, Didier Dubois, Laurent Garcia, Henri Prade
Réseaux possibilistes orientés et logique possibiliste
In : Actes du 11ème Congrès « Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle » (RFIA’98), Clermont-Ferrand, France, AFCET, Paris, pp. 235-244, January 1998.
Salem Benferhat, Didier Dubois, Laurent Garcia, Henri Prade
Directed possibilistic graphs and possibilistic logic
In : Proceedings of 7th International Conference on InformationProcessing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-basedSystems (IPMU’98), Paris, Editions EDK, Paris, pp. 1470-1471, July 1998.
Salem Benferhat, Laurent Garcia
A coherence-based approach to default reasoning
In : Proc. of the 1st Inter. Joint Conf. on Qualitative and Quantitative Practical Reasoning (ECSQARU/FAPR’97), Bad Honnef, Germany, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 1244, Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 43-57, June 1997.
Salem Benferhat, Didier Dubois, Laurent Garcia, Henri Prade
Directed possibilistic graphs and possibilistic logic
In : Information, Uncertainty and Fusion. B. Bouchon-Meunier, R. R. Yager, L. A. Zadeh (Eds.) , Kluwer, Boston, Mass., pp. 365-379, 1999.
Salem Benferhat, Laurent Garcia
A local handling of inconsistent knowledge and default bases
In : Applications of Uncertainty Formalisms. A. Hunter, S. Parsons (Eds.) , Springer, Berlin, pp. 323-353, 1998.
Raisonnement local dans les bases de connaissance ordonnées : Applications au traitement des incohérences et au raisonnement plausible
Master’s Thesis, Université Paul Sabatier, November 1998.