Publications of
Philippe Marthon, Roger Fjortoft, Armand Lopès, Jérôme Bruniquel
Optimal Edge Detection and Edge Localization in Complex SAR Images with Correlated Speckle
In : IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGARS), Vol. 37 N. 5, pp. 2272-2281, September 1999.
Roger Fjortoft, Philippe Marthon, Eliane Cubero-Castan, Cédric Lemaréchal
Comments on Geodesic saliency of watershed contours and hierarchical segmentation
In : IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), Vol. 20 N. 7, pp. 762-763, July 1998.
Roger Fjortoft, Armand Lopès, Philippe Marthon, Eliane Cubero-Castan
An Optimum Multiedge Detector for SAR Image Segmentation
In : IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGARS), IEEE Computer Society, Vol. 36 N. 3, May 1998.
Roger Fjortoft, Philippe Marthon, Eliane Cubero-Castan, Armand Lopès
Multiedge Detection in SAR Images
In : International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP’97, Munich, Allemagne, 21/04/97-24/04/97, IEEE, Munich (Allemagne), pp. 2761-2764, April 1997.
BibTeXRoger Fjortoft, Philippe Marthon, Armand Lopès
Multiresolution Edge Detection in SAR Images
In : Norwegian Signal Processing Symposium, NORSIG’97, Tromsoe, Norvège, 21/05/97-24/05/97, NORSIG, Tromsoe, pp. 6-10, May 1997.
BibTeXRoger Fjortoft, Armand Lopès, Philippe Marthon, Eliane Cubero-Castan, José Cabada
Complementary Edge Detection and Region Growing for SAR Image Segmentation
In : Conference of the Norwegian Society for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, NOBIM’97, Tromsoe, Norvège, NOBIM, Tromsoe, pp. 70-72, May 1997.
BibTeXRoger Fjortoft, Armand Lopès, Philippe Marthon, Eliane Cubero-Castan
Different Approaches to Multiedge Detection in SAR images
In : International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS’97, Singapour, 03/08/97-08/08/97, IEEE, Singapour, pp. 2060-2062, August 1997.
BibTeXRoger Fjortoft, Franck Sery, Armand Lopès, Philippe Marthon, Fabien Lebon
A Region-based Approach to the Estimation of Local Statistics in Adaptiv e Speckle Filters
In : International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS’96, Lincoln (USA), 27/05/96-31/05/96, IEEE, pp. 457-459, May 1996.
BibTeXRoger Fjortoft, Franck Sery, Danièle Ducrot, Philippe Marthon, Armand Lopès, Eliane Cubero-Castan
Region-based enhancement and analysis of SAR Images
In : International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP’96, Lausanne, Suisse, 16/09/96-19/09/96, IEEE, Belgique, pp. 879-882, September 1996.
BibTeXRoger Fjortoft, Armand Lopès, Philippe Marthon, Franck Sery, Danièle Ducrot, Eliane Cubero-Castan
Multisource Classification of SAR Images with the use of Segmentation, Polarimertry, Texture and Multitemporal Data
In : EurOpto Satellite Remote Sensing III, Image and Signal Processing, Taormina, Italie, 23/09/96-26/09/96, SPIE, Taormina, pp. 186-197, September 1996.
BibTeXRoger Fjortoft, Philippe Marthon, Armand Lopès, Eliane Cubero-Castan
Edge detection in Radar Images using Recursive Filters
In : Second Asian Conference on Computer Vision, ACCV’95, Singapour, 05/12/95-08/12/95, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Singapour, pp. 87-91, December 1995.
Segmentation d?images radar par détection de contours
Master’s Thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, March 1999.
Armand Lopès, Philippe Marthon, Roger Fjortoft, Danièle Ducrot, Cédric Lemaréchal
Information Processing for Remote Sensing (Optimal edge detection and segmentation in complex and detected SAR images with application to classification)
, C.H. Chen World Scientific Publishing Co, June 2000.