Publications of
Philippe Aigrain, Philippe Joly, Philippe Lepain, Véronique Longueville
Representation-Based User Interfaces for the Audiovisual Library of Year 2000
In : IS&T/SPIE’95 Multimedia Computing and Networking, San Jose, SPIE Conference Proceedings, pp. 35-45, February 1995.
Philippe Aigrain, Philippe Joly, Philippe Lepain, Véronique Longueville
Representation-Based User Interfaces for the Audiovisual Library of Year 2000
In : Readings in Multimedia Computing and Networking. Kevin Jeffray, HongJiang Zhang (Eds.) , Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, pp. 205-215, 2002.
Philippe Aigrain, Philippe Joly, Véronique Longueville
Medium-Knowledge-Based Macrosegmentation of Video into Sequences
In : Intelligent Multimedia Information Retrieval. Mark T. Maybury (Eds.) , AAAI Press and MIT Presss, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 159-173, 1997.
Philippe Aigrain, Philippe Joly, Véronique Longueville
Medium Knowledge-Based Macrosegmentation of Video into Sequences in Proc. of IJCAI’95: Workshop on Intelligent Multimedia Information Retrieval, –, Mark Maybury, Montréal, August 1995.