Publications of
Nadège Pontisso, David Chemouil
Vérification formelle d’un modèle AADL à l’aide de l’outil UPPAAL
In : Génie Logiciel, GL & IS, Meudon – France, Vol. 80, pp. 36-40, March 2007.
Jean-François Rolland, Thomas Dave, David Chemouil
Utilisation d’AADL pour la conception de logiciels de vol satellite
In : Génie Logiciel, GL & IS, Meudon – France, Vol. 80, pp. 41-44, March 2007.
Jean-Paul Bodeveix, David Chemouil, Mamoun Filali, Martin Strecker
Towards formalising AADL in Proof Assistants
In : Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), Elsevier, Vol. 141, pp. 153-169, August 2005.
Jean-François Rolland, Jean-Paul Bodeveix, Mamoun Filali, David Chemouil, Thomas Dave
AADL modes for space software
In : Data Systems In Aerospace (DASIA 2008), Palma de Majorca-Spain, 27/05/08-30/05/08, European Space Agency (ESA Publications), (electronic medium), May 2008.
Jean-François Rolland, Jean-Paul Bodeveix, Mamoun Filali, David Chemouil, Thomas Dave
Modes in asynchronous systems
In : IEEE International Conference on Engineering Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2008), Belfast Ireland, 31/03/08-04/04/08, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, (electronic medium), April 2008.
Jean-François Rolland, Jean-Paul Bodeveix, David Chemouil, Mamoun Filali, Dave Thomas
Towards a formal semantics for AADL execution model
In : European Congress on Embedded Real-Time Software (ERTS 2008), Toulouse, 29/01/08-01/02/08, SIA/3AF/SEE, (electronic medium), January 2008.
Jean-Paul Bodeveix, Raphael Cavallero, David Chemouil, Mamoun Filali, Jean-François Rolland
A mapping from AADL to Java-RTSJ
In : International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-time and Embedded Systems (JTRES 2007), Vienna, Austria, 26/09/07-28/09/07, ACM : Association for Computing Machinery, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 165-174, September 2007.
Ricardo Bedin Franca, Jean-Paul Bodeveix, Mamoun Filali, David Chemouil, Dave Thomas
The AADL behaviour annex — experiments and roadmap
In : IEEE International Conference on Engineering Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2007), Auckland, New Zealand, 11/07/07-14/07/07, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 377-382, 2007.
Nadège Pontisso, David Chemouil
TOPCASED Combining Formal Methods with Model-Driven Engineering
In : IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2006), Tokyo, Japan, 18/09/06-22/09/06, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 359-360, 2006.
Jean-Paul Bodeveix, David Chemouil, Mamoun Filali, Nicolas Lalevee, Martin Strecker
Towards the verification of model transformations
In : European Congress on Embedded Real-Time Software (ERTS 2006), Toulouse, 25/01/06-27/01/06, Société des Ingénieurs de l’Automobile, (electronic medium), 2006.
BibTeXDavid Chemouil, Dave Thomas, Jean-François Rolland
Using AADL in an existing developement process for satellite flight software
In : 1st Workshop “UML and AADL”, ENST Paris, 09/10/06-09/10/06.
Jean-Paul Bodeveix, Mamoun Filali, Miloud Rached, David Chemouil, Pierre Gaufillet
Experimenting an AADL Behavioural Annex and a Verification Method
In : Data Systems In Aerospace (DASIA 2006), Berlin-Germany, 22/05/06-25/05/06, European Space Agency (ESA Publications), (electronic medium), 2006.
François Vernadat, Christian Percebois, Patrick Farail, R. Vingerhoeds, Alain Rossignol, Jean-Pierre Talpin, David Chemouil
The TOPCASED Project – A Toolkit in OPen-source for Critical Applications and SystEm Development
In : Data Systems In Aerospace (DASIA 2006), Berlin, Germany, 22/05/06-25/05/06, European Space Agency (ESA Publications), (electronic medium), May 2006.
Jean-Paul Bodeveix, David Chemouil, Mamoun Filali, Martin Strecker
Towards formalizing AADL in proof assistants
In : Formal Foundations of Embedded software and component-based softare architectures (ETAPS), Edinburgh, 02/04/05-10/04/05, Juliana Kuster-Filipe, Iman Poernomo , Ralf Reussner, Sandeep Shukla (Eds.), LFCS (University of Edinburgh), pp. 137-153, April 2005.
David Chemouil, Sergei Soloviev
Remarks on isomorphisms of simple inductive types
In : Mathematics, Logic and Computation, Eindhoven, 04/07/03-05/07/03, Elsevier, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 85, 7, pp. 1-19, July 2003.
Abstract URL :
BibTeXSergei Soloviev, David Chemouil
Some Algebraic Structures in Lambda-Calculus with Inductive Types
In : TYPES, Torino, 30/04/03-04/05/03, Stefano Berardi, Mario Coppo, Ferrucio Damiani (Eds.), Springer, LNCS, Volume 3085/2004, pp. 338-354, April 2003.
Freiric Barral, David Chemouil, Sergei Soloviev
Non-standard reductions and categorical models in typed lambda-calculus
In : Logitcheskie Issledovaniya (Logical Investigations). Alexander S. Karpenko (Eds.) , Nauka, pp. 300-315, Vol. 12, Logitcheskie Issledovaniya (Logical Investigations), October 2005.
Types inductifs, isomorphismes et récriture extensionnelle
Master’s Thesis, Université Paul Sabatier, September 2004.