Departments & Research teams

RMESSNetworks, Mobile, Embedded, Wireless, Sattelites Katia JAFFRES-RUNSER
SEPIAOperating systems, distributed systems, from Middleware to Architecture Patricia STOLF
SIERAService IntEgration and netwoRk Administration Romain LABORDE
T2RSReal-Time in networks and systems Zoubir MAMMERI
TRACESTrace stands for research groups in architecture and compilation for embedded systems Christine ROCHANGE
APOParallel Algorithms and Optimisation Serge GRATTON
REVAReal Expression Artificial Life Hervé LUGA
ACADIEAssistance for certification of distributed and embedded applications Jan-Georg SMAUS
ARGOSAdvancing Rigorous Software and System Engineering Ileana OBER
ICSInteractive Critical Systems Celia MARTINIE DE ALMEIDA
SM@RTSmart Modeling for softw@re Research and Technology Sophie EBERSOLD
IRISInformation Retrieval and Information Synthesis Gilles HUBERT
PYRAMIDEDynamic Query Optimization in large-scale distributed environments Franck MORVAN
SIGGeneralized information systems Olivier TESTE
ADRIAArgumentation, Decision, Reasoning, Uncertainty and Learning methods Romain GUILLAUME
Frédéric MARIS
LILaCLogic, Interaction, Language and Computation Umberto GRANDI
Emiliano LORINI
MELODIMethods and Engineering of Language, Ontology and Discourse Farah BENAMARA
Philippe MULLER
ELIPSEHuman computer interaction Marcos SERRANO
SMACCooperative multi-agents systems Stéphanie COMBETTES
Teaching And Learning Enhanced by Technologies Julien BROISIN
MINDScoMputational Imaging anD viSion Alain CROUZIL
SAMoVAStructuration, Analysis, Modeling of Video and Audio documents Julien PINQUIER
SCSignal and Communications Marie CHABERT
STORMStructural Models and Tools in Computer Graphics  David VANDERHAEGHE