OSIRIM Platform

Head :  Jacques THOMAZEAU

Open Services for Indexing and Research Information in Multimedia contents 

OSIRIM is mainly supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the French government, the Midi-Pyrénées region and the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS).

This platform offers a homogeneous environment for indexing and searching for information in multimedia content (text, sound, image, video, digital signal). Its main objectives are the hosting of scientific projects requiring the storage and sharing of several terabytes of data to carry out experiments on these large volumes, the sharing of software tools, in particular for evaluation, the sharing of reference corpus , and dissemination of results and software.

OSIRIM brings together a set of corpora, evaluation tools, analysis software, search engines with the main aim of providing a pooling space where researchers can exchange their knowledge and benefit from the results obtained in other laboratories.

The platform is open to IRIT researchers and students working in these fields, but also to any external person wishing to use their hardware or software under certain conditions.

OSIRIM consists of a storage area with a capacity of approximately 1PB and a computing cluster of 928 cores and 31 GPUs.

Website of the OSIRIM platform