Smart City

Heads :  Valérie CAMPS et Riadh DHAOU

The world has experienced tremendous urban growth in recent decades with 70% of the world’s population expected to live in urban areas by 2050 [1]. Cities are responding to the environmental, transportation and infrastructure challenges this presents with plans for becoming more intelligent, interconnected and efficient — with information and communications technologies (ICTs) as a key enabler [2] [3]. Specifically, the literature [4] on the subject identifies eight dimensions for characterizing smart cities : Management and organization, Technology, Governance, Policy context, People and communities, Economy, Built infrastructure, Natural environment.

The Strategic Application Domain “Smart City” (DAS-SC) at IRIT aims at being a catalyst and leader in meeting some of the main scientific and technological challenges behind the multi-dimensional vision for smart cities. In particular, our work is focused on the development and implementation of information and communication technologies and the material and digital infrastructures with the purpose of enabling new applications for the people and their communities. Furthermore, relying on external collaborations, the DAS-SC could progressively make contributions to the economic and environmental aspects of smart cities.

Currently, areas of particular interest to the DAS-SC include the ecological and energy transition, smart living and smart mobility :

Energy transition

  • Smart grid
  • Leveraging all energy-related data for smarter energy management : data science, interactive visualization, control and automation
  • Detection of singularities and dysfunctions

Smart living (services, welfare, health)

  • Applying detection and machine learning for protecting the citizens’ privacy
  • Autonomy and self-adaptation of systems to their socio-technical environment
  • Improving the well-being of the users in the urban areas and managing the acceptability of the new technologies introduced
  • Data management for services of different scales : integration of heterogeneous and multi-modal data (volume, variability, velocity), personalized data access for the smart city

Smart mobility, multi-modal transportation

  • Simulation of the dynamics related to urban activities and transportation
  • Geolocalization and synchronization of the connected and/or autonomous objects
  • Optimization of communications and flows (pedestrians, vehicles, fluids)
  • Autonomous vehicle

Finally, we envision interactions with the DAS Santé / Autonomie to works towards an inclusive smart city, i.e. making the new services accessible to persons with disabilities, as well as with the DAS Security to integrate the challenges of protecting the user privacy, the electrical and computer networks.

[1] United Nations, World Urbanization Prospects : The 2014 Revision,
[2] V. Albino, U. Berardi, and R. M. Dangelico. Smart cities : Definitions, dimensions, performance, and initiatives. Journal of Urban Technology, 22(1), 2015.
[3] International Telecommunication Union – Focus Group on Smart Sustainable Cities,….
[4] Chourabi H, Nam T, Walker S, Gil-Garcia JR, Mellouli S, Nahon K, Pardo T and Scholl HJ, Understanding Smart Cities : an integrative framework, In proceedings of the 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (Maui, HI, Jan 4-7), IEEE Computer Society Press, 2012, 2289 – 2297.


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