Valentin Roussellet’s PhD Defense

Congrats to Dr. Valentin Roussellet, who successfully defended his PhD thesis on “Implicit Muscle Models for Interactive Character Skinning” today at IRIT.

Jury members:

  • M. Mathias PAULIN, Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, President,
  • M. Paul KRY, Université Mc Gill, Referee,
  • M. Damien ROHMER, École Polytechnique, Referee,
  • Mme Raphaëlle CHAINE, Université Lyon I Claude Bernard,
  • Mme Maud MARCHAL, INSA Rennes,
  • M. Loïc BARTHE, Université de Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier, Advisor

Valentin’s talk was followed by a very technical and intense discussion with the committee. Valentin demonstrated his technical and scientific skills and knowledge on the mentioned aspects.