For the next STORM seminar, Charline Grenier will be giving a presentation titled: Presentation of my thesis entitled: Procedural generation and real-time rendering of structured patterns
In a virtual world, objects represented are described as much by their geometry as by the luminous behaviour of their surface. The latter is an important element in the realism of the scene created. To simulate the luminous behaviour of surfaces, a commonly used method consists of covering the geometry of objects with textures.
In this thesis, we focus on structured stochastic textures. More specially, we are interested in their generation and rendering at different level of detail, in real time. These textures are characterised by a stochastic nature which gives them a more organic and natural appearance, and by abrupt variations in colour or contrast giving rise to distinct patterns which we call structures.
We propose a new method for procedural generation of structured patterns. It is based on the composition of a procedural vector noise by a multivariate transfer function. This method takes advantage of the separation between the structural information contained in the transfer function and the stochastic information provided by the noise.
This seminar will take place on Wednesday 25/09 at 1:00pm (13:00) in room 001 at IRIT.