PEPR Cloud

M2 Internship. Sustainable Simulation of Edge Services

Context Data centers are computing infrastructures that host most of the services available on the internet. As data centers may include thousands of servers, both their energy consumption and their carbon footprint are significant. This has led many research projects to focus on optimizing these two objectives. This internship takes place in the context of centralized (Cloud) and decentralized (Edge, Fog) infrastructures. Various ideas emerge from research / R&D to reduce the impact of computing infrastructures, and these ideas must be evaluated.

Funded PhD position: Sustainable Simulation of Edge Services

Context Data centers are computing infrastructures that host most of the services available on the internet. As data centers may include thousands of servers, both their energy consumption and their carbon footprint are significant. This has led many research projects to focus on optimizing these two objectives. This PhD takes place in the context of centralized (Cloud) and decentralized (Edge, Fog) infrastructures. Various ideas emerge from research / R&D to reduce the impact of computing infrastructures, and these ideas must be evaluated.