IRIT - UMR 5505



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Programming guide


  • Install the game and at least one Prog&Play library interface (see installation guide)
  • Install compilers associated to library interfaces used (gcc, gnat, ocaml, javac, scratch, python, etc.)


For each library interfaces available with Prog&Play, an example is supplied in order to easily test interactions with the game. For each programming interface, you can read the "README.txt" file that details procedure to execute example.

Remark: Editing of programs isn't performed in the game environment. An IDE is required and depends from programming language you want to use (for example use Eclipse for Java, DevCpp or Visual Express for C/C++, Idle for Python. Also, you can use a text editor with a compiler for the desired programming language).

Don't hesitate to serve yourself from these examples as a starting point to create your own programs in order to use them in multiplayer games or solve missions.

Good game and good programming...


C documentation.

Java documentation.

 Use an other mod than "Kernel Panic"

Several games, other than "Kernel Panic", are available for Spring engine. You will find an official list here. Most mods are compatibles with the Prog&Play system. If you want use an other mod than "Kernel Panic", you must generate the constants list for the mod chosen.

  • Find the "CstList.sdz" file in the "mods" folder;
  • Rename the file with a ".zip" extension;
  • Unpack this archive on the directory of your choice;
  • Edit "ModInfo.lua" file
  • Find "depend={...}" string
  • Modify dependency and write between quotes the mod it depends on (do not used filename but name printed on Spring menu instead - example opposite picture)
  • Rebuild "" archive
  • Rename this file with "sdz" extension
  • Put this archive in the "mods/" directory of your game
  • Launch "Spring" and select "Gives Constants List 1.0" mod

This "mod" lists all units as well as their respective commands for the mod it depends on. These data are saved in "cstlist.txt" file. Then you have to identify constants that you think interesting for your algorithm (This procedure was been using to generate the "constantList_..." files).

