Organizer and sponsor

Invited session : IS20: Preventing risks and analysing events through social media analysis

24th Annual KES Conference Verona, Italy
16-18 September 2020

This IS20 session is organized by Prof. Josiane Mothe.

Prof. Josiane Mothe (F) is full professor in computer science since 2002 at the Université de Toulouse, Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse, UMR5505 CNRS. She is a specialist in information retrieval, text mining, data fusion, data analytics and machine learning. From 2012 to 2015, she leaded the Information System team of IRIT lab. She leaded the FabSpace 2.0 H2020 project (14 partners, 3.5 M€) and is an active participant of the PREVISION H2020 project (28 partners, 9 M€). She was the co-editor in chief of the international Information Retrieval Journal, Springer (2004-14). She supervised 11 PhD students to successful completion. She collaborates with several large companies or structures (Airbus industry, Toulouse Hospital, Aerospace Valley).

This session is part of the dessimination action of PREVISION project, as such, it benefits from the grant agreement No 833115.