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Publications linked to the project

Possibilistic prediction
  Didier Dubois, Eyke Hüllermeier, Henri Prade. Flexible control of case-based prediction in the framework of possibility theory. In: Advances in Case-Based Reasoning (Proc.5th Eureopean Worshop, EWCBR 2000), Trento, Italie. (E.Banzieri, L.Portinal, Eds., LNCS N°1898), Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg , p.61-73, 6-9 September 2000.

Flexible querying
  Didier Dubois, Henri Prade. Tolerant fuzzy pattern matching: An introduction. In: Fuzziness in Database Management Systems (P. Bosc, J. Kacprzyk, eds.) Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 42-58, 1995.
  Laïla Amgoud, Manuel Serrut, Henri Prade. Flexible Querying with Argued Answers. In: EUROFUSE Workshop on Data and Knowledge Engineering, Warszawa, Poland, 22-25 september, 2004.
  Yannick Loiseau. Recherche flexible d'information par filtrage flou qualitatif.. Thèse de doctorat, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, December 2004.
 Didier Dubois, Henri Prade, Faycal Touazi. Handling partially ordered preferences in possibilistic logic - A survey discussion.. In: ECAI‐2012 Workshop on Weighted Logics for Artificial Intelligence, p.91-98, Août 2012.

Querying by examples
  Didier Dubois, Henri Prade, Florence Sédes. Fuzzy logic techniques in Multimedia database queyring: a preliminary investigation of the potentials. In: IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. Eds: IEEE Computer Society, V.13 N.3, p.383-392, May 2001.

Discovering default rules
  S. Benferhat, D. Dubois, S. Lagrue, H. Prade. Vers l'apprentissage de règles tolérant les exceptions avec des probabilités à grandes marches. In: Rencontres francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications (LFA'2000), La Rochelle, 18 - 20 october 2000. Cepadues-Editions, Toulouse, p. 317--324.
  S. Benferhat, D. Dubois, S. Lagrue, H. Prade. A big-stepped probability approach for discovering default rules.. In: International Journal of Uncertainty, V. 11, suppl., p. 1-14, september 2003.

Learning fuzzy rules
  M. Serrurier. Programmation logique, inductive, floue et possibiliste: gagner en expressivité, adaptabilité ou en efficacité. In: Thèse de doctorat, Paul Sabatier University, December 2005.
 M. Serrurier, H. Prade. A general framework for imprecise regression. In: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2007), London, 23-26/07/2007, IEEE, p.1597-1602, 2007.
 M. Serrurier, M. Raynal.. Learning Fitts' law with imprecise regression. In: Proc. Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS 2008), New York, 19-22/05/2008, IEEExplore digital library, 2008.
 H. Prade, A. Rico, M. Serrurier, E. Raufaste. Elicitating Sugeno Integrals: Methodology and a Case Study. In: C. Sossai, G. Chemello (Eds.): Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, Proc. 10th European Conference, ECSQARU 2009, Verona, Italy, July 1-3, 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5590 Springer 2009: 712-723.

Causality Relation
 P. Chassy, H. Prade. Making sense of a sequence of events: A psychologically supported AI implementation. In: Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Scalable Uncertainty Management, sept. 28-30, 2009, Washington, DC, Springer Verlag.
 P. Chassy, M. de Calmès, H. Prade. Making sense as a process emerging from perception–memory interaction: A model. In: Int. Journal of Intelligent Systems (IJIS), Wiley, Vol. 27, Issue 8, p. 757–775, August 2012.

Summarization of data
  P. Bosc, D. Dubois, O. Pivert, H. Prade, M. de Calmès. Fuzzy summarization of data using fuzzy cardinalities. In: 9th Int. Conf. on "Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty" (IPMU'02), Annecy, p.1553-1560, July 2002.

Knowlege extraction
  Farah Benamara, Patrick Saint-Dizier. Knowledge Extraction from the WEB: an Experiment and an Analysis of its Portability. In: Vivek, NCSTJuhu, Mumbai, Inde, V. 13 N. 2, p. 45-67, July 2003.
 O. Bouidghaghen, M. Boughanem, H. Prade. Extraire les thématiques des textes: Vers une approche par la logique floue. In : Actes Rencontres Francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications (LFA 2008), Lens (France), 16/10/2008-17/10/2008, Cépaduès Editions, p. 34-41, 2008.
 M. Boughanem, H. Prade, O. Bouidghaghen. Extracting topics in texts: Towards a fuzzy logic approach. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems (IPMU 2008), Málaga, Spain, 22/06/2008-27/06/2008, L. Magdelena, M. Ojeda-Aciego , J.L. Verdegay (Eds.), Université de Malaga, p. 1733-1740, 2008.
 O. Bouidghaghen, M. Boughanem, H. Prade, I. Mallak. A fuzzy logic approach to topic extraction in texts. In: Int. Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, World Scientific, Vol. 17 N. Suppl. 1, p. 81-112, 2009.
Flexible querying and semi-structured data
  Henri Prade, Florence Sèdes. Flexible querying of semi-structured data or documents: A preliminary discussion. In: Proceedings of the 10th IFSA World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 29 June - 2 July 2003, p. 392-395.
  Martine De Calmès, Henri Prade, Florence Sèdes. Requêtes flexibles et données semi-structurées - Quelques éléments de discussion et d'implémentation -. In: Actes Rencontres Francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications (LFA'2003), Tours, France, 26-27 November 2003. Cepadues-Editions, p. 23-30.
  Martine De Calmès, Henri Prade, Florence Sèdes. Flexible Querying of Semi-Structured Data: a Fuzzy Set-Based Approach. In: International Journal of Intelligent Systems (IJIS), Special Issue on Advances in Fuzzy Database Technology, Wiley, Vol. 22, no 7, p. 723-737, July 2007.
  Martine De Calmès, Henri Prade, Florence Sèdes. Interrogation flexible de données semi-structurées : une approche basée sur les ensembles flous. In: Revue I3 (Information - Interaction - Intelligence), Cépaduès Editions, Vol. 7, no 2, 2008

Spatial Reasoning, Topological Relation
  Erick Lopez-Ornelas, Florence Sèdes, Guy Flouzat. Une approche pour la description et l'interrogation d'images satellitaires à très haute résolution spatiale. In: Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, Hermès Sciences, V. 10, N. 4, p. 119-137, 2005.
 M. Ghazal, F. Sèdes. Similarity among Geographic Networks. In: IEEE Int. Conf. on Information and Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications (ICTTA 2008), Damascus, Syria, 07/04/2008-11/04/2008, IEEE, (en ligne), mai / may 2008.
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 A. Alboody, J. Inglada, F. Sèdes. Enriching The Spatial Reasoning System RCC8. In: ACM SIGSPATIAL Int. Conf. on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS 2008), Irvine, CA, USA, 05/11/2008-07/11/2008, Vol. 1, ACM DL, The SIGSPATIAL Special, p. 14-20, mars 2009.
 A. Alboody, F. Sèdes, J. Inglada. Fuzzy Intersection and Difference Model for Topological Relations. In: Int. Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress and Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (IFSA-EUSFLAT 2009), Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal, 20/07/2009-24/07/2009, juillet 2009.
 M. Ghazal, F. Sèdes. Remodelling Geographic Data to facilitate the Interrogation by Sketch. In: Int. Conf. on Signal Image Technology and Internet-based Systems (SITIS 2009), Marrakech, Maroc, 29/11/2009-04/12/2009.

XML Document Accessibility
  Benoît Encelle, Nadine Baptiste. Adapting presentation and interaction with XML documents to user preferences. In: ICCHP'04: Int. Conf. on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Paris, France, 2004. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol. 3118, p. 143-150, 2004.
  Bouchra Soukkarieh, Florence Sèdes. Interrogation graphique pour l'aide à la formulation de requête XQuery. In: Journées de travail interdisciplinaire autour des documents multi structurés (Journées DMS 2006), Giens, Var, 02/10/2006 - 03/10/2006, INRIA, p. 53-57, October 2006.
  Corinne Zayani. Contribution à la définition et à la mise en oeuvre de mécanismes d'adaptation de documents semi-structurés. In: Thèse de doctorat, Paul Sabatier University, May 2008.
 B. Encelle, N. Jessel, F. Sèdes. Chapter XIX: Adapted Multimodal End-User Interfaces for XML-Content. In: Vol. Evolutionary Techniques for Im, Handbook of Research on Multimodal Human Computer Interaction and Pervasive Services:, 2009 (à paraître).
 D. Al Kukhun, B. Soukkarieh, C. Zayani, F. Sèdes. AQMIS: An Adaptive Querying Prototype for Mobile Information Systems. In: Communications of SIWN, The Foresight Academy of Technology, UK, Vol. 6, p. 29-35, avril 2009.
 B. Encelle, N. Jessel, F. Sèdes. Personalization of XML Content Browsing Based on User Preferences. In: Journal of Access Services, Haworth Press, USA, Numéro spécial web accessibility for individuals with disabilities, Vol. 6, p. 193-214, 2009.
 B. Soukkarieh, F. Sèdes. Dynamic Services Adaptation to the User's Context. In: Int. Conf. on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2009), Venice/Mestre, Italy, 24/05/2009-28/05/2009, 2009 (à paraître).

  Martine de Calmès, Didier Dubois, Eyke Hüllermeier, Henri Prade, Florence Sédes. A fuzzy set approach to flexible case-based querying: methodology and experimentation. In: Proc. of the 8th International Conference, Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2002). Toulouse, France, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, California, p.449-458, 22-25 April 2002.
  Martine de Calmès, Didier Dubois, Eyke Hüllermeier, Henri Prade, Florence Sédes. Case-based querying and prediction: a fuzzy set approach. In: Proc. of 2002 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'02). Honolulu, Hawaii, IEEE Service Center, Piscataway, NJ, V.1, p.735-739, 12-17 May 2002.
  Martine de Calmès, Didier Dubois, Eyke Hüllermeier, Henri Prade, Florence Sédes. Flexibility and Fuzzy case-based evaluation in querying: An illustration in an experimental setting. In: International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems. Eds: world Scientific, V.11 N.1, p.43-66 , February 2003.


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