Conference Chairs
- Yamine AIT AMEUR, INPT-ENSEEIHT and IRIT, Toulouse,France
- Klaus-Dieter SCHEWE, University of Linz and SCCH, Linz, Austria
Program Committee
- Jean-Raymond Abrial, Marseille, France
- Yamine Ait Ameur, IRIT-ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France
- Richard Banach, University of Manchester, UK
- Egön Boerger, University of Pisa, Italy
- Eerke Boiten, University of Kent
- Frédéric Boniol, ONERA-DTIM, Toulouse, France
- Michael Butler, Univesrity of Southampton, UK
- Ana Cavalcanti, University of York, UK
- David Deharbe, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
- John Derrick, Unversity of Sheffield, UK
- Juergen Dingel, Queen's University, Canada
- Kerstin Eder, University of Bristol, UK
- Roozbeh Farahbod, SAP Research, Karlsruhe, Germany
- Mamoun Filali, IRIT, CNRS, Toulouse, France
- John Fitzgerald, Newcastle University, UK,
- Marc Frappier, University of Sherbrooke, Canada
- Vincenzo Gervasi, University of Pisa, Italy
- Dimitra Giannakopoulou, NASA, Ames, USA
- Uwe Glässer, Simon Fraser University, Canada
- Stefania Gnesi, CNR - Pisa, Italy
- Lindsay Groves, Wellington University, New Zealand
- Stefan Hallerstede, University of Aarhus, Denmark
- Klaus Havelund, Jet Propulsion Laboratory/NASA, USA
- Ian J. Hayes, University of Queensland, Australia
- Rob Hierons, Brunel University, UK
- Thai Son Hoang, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- Sarfraz Khurshid, University of Texas at Austin, USA
- Regine Laleau, Univesity of Paris-Est, France
- Leslie Lamport, Microsoft Research, USA
- Peter Gorm Larsen, Aarhus University, Denmark
- Thierry Lecomte, ClearSy, France
- Michael Leuschel, University of Düsseldorf, Germany
- Zhiming Liu, International institute for software technology, UNU University, Macao
- Tiziana Margaria, University of Potsdam, Germany
- Atif Mashkoor, SCCH, Linz, Austria
- Dominique Mery, Loria, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France
- Stephan Merz, LORIA, Nancy, France
- Mohamed Mosbah, Labri, Université de Bordeaux I, Bordeaux, France
- Cesar Munőz, NASA Langley Research Center, USA
- Uwe Nestmann, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
- Christophe Newcombe, Amazon, USA
- Jose Oliveira, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
- Luigia Petre, Abo Akademi, Turku, Finland
- Andreas Prinz, Agder University College, Norway
- Alexander Raschke, University of ULM, Germany
- Elvinia Riccobene, DTI - University of Milan, Italy
- Ken Robinson, Univ. of New South Wales, Australia
- Tom Rodeheffer, Microsoft Research, USA
- Alexander Romanovsky, University of Newcastle, UK
- Thomas Santen, European Microsoft Innovation Center, Germany
- Patrizia Scandurra, University of Bergamo, Italy
- Gerhard Schellhorn, University of Augsburg, Germany
- Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Austria
- Steve Schneider, University of Surrey, UK
- Colin Snook, University of Southampton, UK
- Kevin Sullivan, University of Virginia, USA
- Jing Sun, The university of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
- Mana Taghdiri, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
- Bernard Thalheim, Christian Albrechts University Kiel, Germany
- Margus Veanes, Microsoft Research, USA
- Marcel Verhoef, CHESS BV, Netherlands
- Friedrich Vogt, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
- Laurent Voisin, Systerel France
- Qing Wang, Australian National University, Australia
- Virginie Wiels, ONERA-DTIM, Toulouse, France
- Kirsten Winter, University of Queensland, Australia
Conference Organizers
- Yamine AIT AMEUR, INPT-ENSEEIHT and IRIT, Toulouse,France
- Idir AIT SADOUNE, SUPELEC, Saclay, France
- Guillaume BABIN, INPT-ENSEEIHT and IRIT, Toulouse,France
- Xavier CREGUT, INPT-ENSEEIHT and IRIT, Toulouse,France
- Arnaud DIEUMEGARD, INPT-ENSEEIHT and IRIT, Toulouse,France
- Marlčne GIAMPORCARO, INPT-SAIC, Toulouse,France
- Estelle HENRY, INPT-SAIC, Toulouse,France
- Aurélie HURAULT, INPT-ENSEEIHT and IRIT, Toulouse,France
- Marie-Anne LAPLAINE, INPT-SAIC, Toulouse,France
- Philippe MAURAN, INPT-ENSEEIHT and IRIT, Toulouse,France
- Mathieu MONTIN, INPT-ENSEEIHT and IRIT, Toulouse,France
- Meriem OUEDERNI, INPT-ENSEEIHT and IRIT, Toulouse,France
- Marc PANTEL, INPT-ENSEEIHT and IRIT, Toulouse,France
- Philippe QUEINNEC, INPT-ENSEEIHT and IRIT, Toulouse,France
- Faiez ZALILA, INPT-ENSEEIHT and IRIT, Toulouse,France
For questions concerning ABZ 2014, contact Yamine AIT AMEUR ( or Klaus-Dieter SCHEWE (