Short Bio

Since 2019, I am a CNRS researcher within the Signal & Communications Group of the IRIT Laboratory.

Before (2016-2018), I was a Postdotoral researcher in the Biomedical Imaging Group directed by Michael Unser at EPFL. From 2013 to 2016, I was a PhD student in the Morpheme team (INRIA/CNRS/UNS) under the supervision of Laure Blanc-Féraud, Sébastien Schaub, and Gilles Aubert.

Research Interests

Inverse problems in imaging with a strong interest for optical systems in microscopy.

Keywords: computational imaging, inverse problems, large-scale convex and non-convex optimization, sparse modeling, variational methods, statistical estimation, regularization, optical modeling, microscopy, super-resolution.

Microscopy modalities: widefield/confocal, SMLM, SIM, MA-TIRFM, ODT, Cryo-EM.



  • Email:
  • Adress: ENSEEIHT, 2 rue Camichel, 31000 Toulouse, Bureau F 420
  • Phone: +33(0)5 34 32 22 52

Emmanuel Soubies - 2014