up: Publications

Resource Sharing Conflicts Checking in Multithreaded Java Programs

Nadezhda Baklanova, Martin Strecker, Louis Féraud

FAC 2012


We present a tool for analysing resource sharing conflicts in multithreaded Java programs. Java programs are translated to timed automata models verified afterwards by the Uppaal model checker. Analysed programs are annotated with timing information indicating the execution duration of a particular statement. Based on the timing information, the analysis of execution paths is performed, which gives an answer whether resource sharing conflicts are possible in a multithreaded Java program. If the analysis succeeds, time-consuming resource locks may be eliminated from the Java program.
 Online Copy

Report: PDF, presented at FAC'2012

BibTeX Entry

  author = {Nadezhda Baklanova and Martin Strecker and Louis Féraud},
  title = {Resource Sharing Conflicts Checking in Multithreaded Java Programs},
  institution = {Université de Toulouse, IRIT},
  year = 2012,
  month = {apr},
  note = {presentation at Journées FAC'2012},
  url = {https://www.irit.fr/~Nadezhda.Baklanova/papers/FAC2012.pdf}

Last modified: Thu Sep 2 14:42:56 CEST 2010