Belief Change, Consistency and Argumentation image/svg+xml Belief Change, Consistency and Argumentation 13 Novembre 2015 Florence Dupin de Saint-Cyr -- Bannay
  1. couverture
  2. couverture
  3. BCCA
  4. BCCA
  5. Intelligence
  6. Intelligent Computer
  7. Intelligent Computer
  8. Intelligent Computer
  9. Intelligent Computer
  10. BCCA
  11. Inconsistency Handling
  12. BC1
  13. BC2
  14. BC3
  15. BC4
  16. dezoom
  17. handling inc
  18. Change
  19. Change
  20. extrapolation
  21. exemple
  22. extra
  23. causal
  24. causalzoom
  25. wumpus
  26. wumpus2
  27. causal
  28. Change Arg
  29. Arguments
  30. ArgumentDezoom
  31. ThesePierre
  32. CA1
  33. CA2
  34. CA3
  35. CA4
  36. CA5
  37. CA6
  38. ChangeArg
  39. Dialog
  40. enthymeme
  41. enthymeme
  42. persdial
  43. persdialunzoom
  44. WorkProgress
  45. Dung
  46. BLA
  47. BLA
  48. group/human
  49. dezoom
  50. AI
  51. RationalAgent
  52. conclu
  53. conclu2
  54. conclu3
  55. dezoom
  56. dezoom