PCC 2013 Accepted Talks

Joseph Boudou and Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo. Compression of Propositional Resolution Proofs by Lowering Subproofs
Nicolas Guenot. On the computational interpretation of contraction in deep inference
Hugo Herbelin, Gyesik Lee and Keiko Nakata. Computational interpretation for the big five systems of reverse mathematics
Susumu Yamasaki. Algebraic Compositions of Action Structures for Function Terms
Reinhard Kahle and Anton Setzer. The extended predicative Mahlo universe in explicit mathematics
James Chapman, Tarmo Uustalu and Niccolò Veltri. Formalizing restriction categories
Danko Ilik and Keiko Nakata. A Direct Constructive Proof of Open Induction on Cantor Space
Martin Sticht. A Game-Theoretic Decision Procedure for the Constructive Description Logic cALC
Paola Bruscoli, Alessio Guglielmi, Tom Gundersen and Michel Parigot. A Quasipolynomial Normalisation Procedure in Deep Inference
Guillaume Bonfante. Rational Bitwise Equations from a recursive point of view
Isabel Oitavem. Rethinking FPspace with pointers
René Gazzari. Natural Calculation